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31.08.2024 00:03
Автор: Ruslana Mnozhynska, Candidate of philosophical sciences, Associate Professor of Philosophy and Cultural Studies, Kyiv National University of Technology and Design; Maxim Shcherbak, Student, Kyiv National University of Technology and Design
[7. Філософські науки;]

ORCID: 0000-0001-8459-3496 Ruslana Mnozhynska

The general nature of innovation requires the study of the subjects of innovation from the individual worker to society as a whole, from the person who forms innovations in their own activities, to social reproduction in general. One of the important aspects of the study is the person - the subject of innovation. Man is always between the desire to innovate, change, improve their activities, their relationships and the fear of innovation, its destructive consequences. In this regard, the study of the need for innovation, which is the content of the culture inherited by each individual, acquires a certain importance. There is a need to identify these needs, their nature, direction. Innovations differ significantly from each other in their scale and direction, in their impact on the person, in relation to the subject, they have different functions in different social processes. [1, с. 116].

There are different types of social relations that differ in the requirements for innovation. With a simple type of relationship there is a desire to achieve monolithic subject and object, the unity of conditions, means and goals based on the preservation of existing social relations, culture, the desire to avoid significant innovations. In this type, the existing innovation acts as something negative and, therefore, generates a desire to reject it. The creative type of relations is characterized by the desire to achieve the unity of subject and object, conditions, means, goals based on the flow of progressive innovations. A destructive type of relationship is also possible, which is characterized by opposition to innovation, the predominance of negative innovations over positive ones. Categories of subject, object, subject-subject relations are the general methodological basis for the analysis of the mechanism of development of innovative relations. All these categories must be specified. Of fundamental importance is the question of the subjects of innovation. The subject is a person who knows and transforms the world around him, who has consciousness and will, is able to act purposefully. [5, с. 16].

In order to grow a successful nation that is competitive, active, creative and interested in the future, it is necessary to change the paradigm of pedagogical science, taking into account the desires, needs and capabilities of the next generation. [2, с. 125].

To ensure a quality learning process that will satisfy the current generation of students, the teacher must have and be able to form in their students the competencies of the XXI century, namely: learning and innovation (creativity and innovation, critical thinking and problem solving, communication skills and cooperation skills); life and career (flexibility and adaptability, initiative and self-direction, social skills and skills related to the coexistence of different cultures, productivity, leadership and responsibility); ability to work with data, media and computer competencies (information literacy, media literacy, ICT - literacy) . [3, с. 77].

 Modern students have a number of characteristics that radically change the traditional educational process. Understanding these features, the teacher can simplify the learning process itself, motivate students, intensify their educational and cognitive activities and, as a result, improve the efficiency and effectiveness of learning. Pedagogical influence should be aimed at achieving educational goals, which are determined by those who are taught - a future member of society. A modern educator must be able to respond quickly to today's challenges, be an expert in their field of knowledge and not be afraid to innovate in the educational process. [8, с. 304].

Trending changes in society demonstrate the readiness of the modern generation to develop their mental potential and we - teachers - must help them. Information technology has mastered all spheres of human life, so let education support the interests of young people in video and direct them in the right direction. Video will no longer be associated only with TV series and entertainment. Educators should learn to create and use a quality and interesting product to ensure educational activities in today's realities.


1. Andrushenko V. European pedagogical experience and national experience: harmonization of priorities . Higher education of Ukraine. К: 2014. №3. 200 p.

2. Vaschuk F.G. Passing to innovative technologies in higher education is a requirement of time. Uzhhorod: ZakDU, 2011. 560 p.

3. Duchkivska I.M. Innovative pedagogical technologies: train. K.: Academvudav, 2004.  352 p.

4. Innovations in higher education: challenges, experiences, perspectives: monograph . ZSU of Ivan Franko, 2011. 444 p .

5. Innovation activities of universities in Ukraine: analytical review. Chief editor Artjomov I.V. Uzhgorod:private enterprise "AUTODOR-Shark", 2015. P. 162 

6. Morozov V. The philosophy innovation in teaching process.  Higher education Ukraine. 2014. 39 p .

7. Harkivska A.A. The system approach and innovations in modern pedagogical science. / Kharkivska A.A. // International Research Bulletin: collection of scientific articles on materials XXVII International Scientific Conference, Uzhgorod - Budapest, 26-29 November 2013 (edited by V.I.Smolanka, I.V.Artomov and others. - Uzhgorod: State University "UzhNU", 2014.  Vol. 8 (27). 376 p.

8. Chernilevskiy D.V. Higher Education Pedagogy: Textbook. / D.V.Chernilevskiy, I.S.Hamretskiy, O.A.Zarichanskiy, I.M.Lutski y, O.V.Pshenychnyuk. Ed. D.V. Chernilevskoho. - Vinnytsa: AMSKP, Globe-Press, 2010. 408 p .

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