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27.05.2024 15:43
Автор: Igor Klimov, senior lecturer, O.M. Beketov Kharkiv National University of Urban Economy; Olexandr Rachkovskyi, O.M. Beketov Kharkiv National University of Urban Economy; Victoriia Lavryk, student, O.M. Beketov Kharkiv National University of Urban Economy
[27. Архітектура;]

ORCID: 0000-0003-3980-2089 Igor Klimov

ORCID: 0000-0001-6743-3845 Olexandr Rachkovskyi

The chosen topic is relevant because of the actual need to modernize the domestic principles of architectural typology, focusing on European standards, in connection with the issues of introducing energy-saving technologies into the practice of construction and architecture [1].

The research object is the architecture of energy-efficient buildings and structures.

The research subject is the basic principles of typology based on the European architectural standards of energy-efficient buildings.

One of the key issues of modern domestic architectural typology is the demand for modernization in connection with innovation development and coordination with European standards.

Energy-passive houses are designed to be passive in terms of energy consumption due to the absence of respective engineering equipment and energy resources. These buildings can absorb, accumulate, and maintain the maximum heat in winter and the off-season through architectural and planning solutions. The heating of a passive house should be provided with the heat produced by solar and geothermal energy, alternative energy sources, and people living in the house. Renewable energy sources, heat pumps, and solar collectors supply hot water in energy-passive houses. Such houses can also accumulate and store heat (or coolness) as long as possible utilizing high-quality thermal insulation and tightness [2].

In a passive house, effective thermal insulation of all enclosing surfaces consists of several layers of internal and external insulation, simultaneously keeping the heat out of the house and not letting the cold inside.

The following methods are important for architectural and engineering solutions of an energy-passive building, thanks to which up to 90% of energy is stored passively:

- correct spatial and functional orientation of the building and its premises according to cardinal points; 

- the openness of the south side for insolation;

- increasing moisture, wind, and heat protection of the north side;

- minimization of translucent openings on the northern facades, which enable heat to escape from the building;

- high-quality thermal insulation of walls and enclosing structures,

The main energy feature of a passive house is low energy consumption. Its heating consumption is no more than kWh/m² per year, about 10% of the specific energy per unit volume, which is the consumption of most modern buildings. The European passive house standard provides energy consumption for heating the house no more than 15 kWh/m² per year [3].

According to the modern European classification of energy consumption, buildings are divided into:

- Old buildings (built before the 1970s) require heating of about 300 kWh per square meter yearly.

- New buildings (built from the 1970s to 2000) - 150 kWh/m² per year.

- Low energy consumption buildings - 60 kWh/m² per year.

- Passive houses (the Law has been adopted, indicating that building houses that don’t meet the passive house standard in Europe from 2019) - 15 kWh/m² per year is impossible.

- Zero-consumption buildings (designed to consume only self-produced energy).

The "Energy Performance of Building Directive" adopted by the EU countries in December 2009 indicates that from December 31, 2019, Europe allows building houses only according to the passive standard.

Such features as relatively low cost, convenience and comfort, good performance, ease of use, and increased environmental friendliness have made passive systems appropriate for designing various architectural objects.

Energy-active buildings are focused on the effective use of the energy potential of natural and climatic factors of the environment to provide partial or complete independent energy through several measures based on the use of volume-planning, engineering, structural means that provide for the orientation of spaces, architectural forms and technical systems on energy sources of the external environment (solar, wind, geothermal, etc.), which allows replacing traditional exhaustible sources with renewable ones.

Planning solutions for modern, comfortable housing assume the functional division of day and night zones, at least two bathrooms, and additional utility rooms.

Buildings are distinguished by the degree of energy activity of the object:

- low energy activity (replacement of up to 10% of energy supplies);

- medium energy activity (substitution 10-60%);

- high energy activity (substitution of more than 60%);

In the field of reconstruction of buildings and structures built according to old technologies and energy consumption standards, the complete replacement of traditional energy sources with alternative methods requires qualified solutions that can allow gradual modernization of buildings' energy structures.

The experience of the last decades shows that the most cost-effective (in terms of payback) and the most popular in the foreseeable future are the buildings with average energy activity when renewable sources of natural energy supply comprise from 40 to 60 percent of the total demand.

Energy-efficient buildings are the most promising direction of modern architectural objects. Today, energy efficiency and environmental friendliness are necessary and mandatory requirements for assessment and decision-making in the modern construction of a high-tech civilization.

List of references

1. Sustainable Retrofitting of Commercial Buildings. Warm Climates// Richard Hyde, Nathan Groenhout, Francis Barram, Ken Yeang. Published by Routledge, 2020, - 512 p.  ISBN 9780367576677

2. Tucci, F. (2021). Bioclimatic Approaches and Environmental Design. Strategies, Criteria and Requirements for an Evolution of Experimentations. In: Chiesa, G. (eds) Bioclimatic Approaches in Urban and Building Design. PoliTO Springer Series. Springer, Cham. (Access mode:  https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-59328-5_4)

3. Varmora, Zinkal, and Chavi Jain. "Bioclimatic Architecture In High Rise Buildings." International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications (IJSRP) 12, no. 4 (April 24, 2022): 216. (Access mode:  http://dx.doi.org/10.29322/ijsrp.12.04.2022.p12432).

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