A considerable bibliography of dental scientific works is dedicated to studying the impact of stress on the appearance of carious cavities. Research by scientists from the Department of Therapeutic Dentistry of KhNMU also confirms such a dependence [1].
The literature describes a significant number of possible ways for its realization. This may be related to increased levels of catecholamines and cortisol [2], disturbances in eating behavior, deterioration of oral hygiene, as well as a reduction in the quantity and quality of saliva that is secreted [3]. A possible link with other, not yet studied, causes is also conceivable.
One of the simple and accessible methods of assessing caries resistance or, conversely, caries susceptibility is the crystallographic research method, which is based on the crystal-forming properties of oral fluid. It is considered that individuals, whose oral fluid facies (dehydrated drops of saliva) are rated with more points, are more resistant to caries [4].
Considering that the population of our country in general, and particularly our city, which is near the front line, has been suffering from russian aggression for almost two years and is essentially in a state of chronic stress, it was decided to check the crystal-forming properties of oral fluid in young individuals of the Kharkiv population and compare them with our previous results [1].
Materials and Methods. The study was conducted by the staff of the Department of Therapeutic Dentistry at Kharkiv National Medical University. The study involved 24 previously healthy young individuals aged 18 to 25 years (14 females and 10 males) with various states of dental health. Participants considered themselves to be practically healthy and provided written consent to participate in the study.
Oral fluid was collected in the morning on an empty stomach. The crystal-forming properties were evaluated according to the methodology outlined in the paper [4]. Examples of microcrystallization types of salt part of the facies and the corresponding scores are presented in Fig. 1.
Crystals of the salt part (central part)of the oral fluid facies were evaluated starting from 5 points – the highest result. Each participant was examined three times, on different days. Fascies with the highest result were evaluated.
Study Results. The facies of oral fluid in the majority of the examined individuals – 20 out of 24, or 83% (CI 70% – 96%, p < 0.05) – were rated at 3 points, indicating "satisfactory" caries-protective properties of the oral fluid. Similar results – 15 individuals with a score of 3 out of 18, or 83% (CI 67% – 94%, p < 0.05) – were also obtained in our previous studies [1].
It can be assumed that the examined individuals are in the so-called "stage of resistance", when adaptive mechanisms are at work, and the chronic stress in which we have all been for the last two years has a minimal effect on caries susceptibility. Which agrees with the results obtained by some other researchers [2].
It should also be noted that the majority of study participants are dental students, so despite the life difficulties associated with the war, their oral hygiene is at an adequate level.
Conclusion. Chronic stress in the examined individuals does not play a decisive role in the long-term significant reduction of crystal-forming properties of oral fluid, therefore, it is not a decisive factor in the formation of a cariogenic situation.
1. Рябоконь Є. М., Баглик Т. В, Стеблянко Л. В, Гармаш О. В. Вплив хронічного стресу на кристалоутворювальну властивість та карієспротективні якості ротової рідини осіб молодого віку. Сучасні питання молекулярно-біохімічних досліджень та лабораторного скринінгу у клінічній та експериментальній медицині: зб. тез Всеукр. наук.-практ. конф. з міжнародною участю, 11-12 квітня 2019 р. Запоріжжя: Видавництво Запорізького державного медичного університету, 2019. С. 49–50.
2. Investigating the association between stress, saliva and dental caries: a scoping review / S. Tikhonova, et al. BMC Oral Health. 2018. 18:41. DOI: 10.1186/s12903-018-0500-z.
3. Jain M., Singh A., Sharma A. Relationship of Perceived Stress and Dental Caries among Pre University Students in Bangalore City. J Clin Diagn Res. 2014. No.11,
v. 8. P.131–134. DOI: 10.7860/JCDR/2014/11664.5213.
4. Гармаш О. В., Назарян Р. С. Доцільність використання різних джерел низькоінтенсивного світлового випромінювання для корекції мікроциркуляторних порушень в пародонті. Експериментальна і клінічна медицина. 2013. № 4, т. 61. С. 132–138.