Many researchers, both domestic and foreign, were engaged in the study of phraseological units. Among the Ukrainian researchers are Y. T. Bylytsia, L. I. Honcharova, R. P. Zorivchak, T. R. Kyyak, V. I. Kononenko, N. I. Lepukhova, A. Yu. Logvinenko, A. V. Markovska , K. I. Mizin, A. M. Naumenko, Yu. A. Nikolashchenko, T. V. Novikova, O. D. Oguy, L. Pishna, Yu. O. Chura. Among the foreign researchers are N. M. Amosova, V. V. Vynogradov, V. M. Telia, and V. Fleisher. In their works, they considered the definition of "phraseological unit" and "phraseological unit", general characteristics of phraseological units and their classifications. However, in these works there is no analysis of the reproduction of German-language phraseological units in the Ukrainian language during the translation of journalistic texts. This necessitated the description of phraseological units when translating German journalistic texts into Ukrainian.
The relevance of the work lies in the urgent need to research phraseological units in order to apply this knowledge during translation, because journalistic texts reflect new trends in the modern language of society.
The purpose of the study is to analyze the reproduction of German-language phraseological units in the Ukrainian language in journalism, to compare these units in German and in Ukrainian, and to determine their main functions.
Semantic borrowing (full phraseological equivalent) is the replacement of one phraseological unit by another. For example: «Wir können uns halbwegs vorstellen, wer die Wände errichtet, doch wer würde die Brücken bauen? – Ми приблизно уявляємо собі, хто будує стіни, але кому судилося зводити мости?» [4]. The catchphrase «зводити мости між чимось» means: «налагоджувати контакт / зв’язок / співпрацю» (translation by N.K.) [4].
The following example is also found in the materials of our research: «das Rad neu erfinden zu müssen», which translates as: «їм доводиться щоразу по-новому винаходити велосипед». In the online German phraseological dictionary "Redensarten-Index", this phraseological unit is explained as follows: «etwas bereits Bestehendes verbessern / nochmals erstellen / neu entwickeln» [10]. In Ukrainian, this phraseological unit has the same meaning: «Займатися розробкою, пошуками і т. ін. того, що вже давно відоме» [9]. So, this is an example of translation using a full equivalent. The translator freed himself from the infinitive construction «zu müssen» and replaced it with «їм доводиться». This phenomenon is typical during translation from German into Ukrainian.
The next example is «eine wichtige Rolle spielen», which is translated equivalently: «важливу роль відіграє». In the online German phraseological dictionary "Redensarten-Index", this phraseological unit is explained as follows: «relevant / von Bedeutung / wichtig sein» [10]. They both have the same structure and meaning, this is because the expression is international and comes from 16th century French theater when the expression was used in the literal sense of «грати важливу роль на сцені». In the 18th century, it acquired a new reinterpreted meaning: «бути важливим» [10]. Another phraseological unit «in den Hintergrund treten» [10] is connected with the history of the theater, its other form is formed with the verb «rücken»: «Werden rückten in den Hintergrund», – «все відійшло на задній план». The meaning of this expression «втратити важливість; не привертати увагу» is related to the conditional division of the theater into plans: the actors who played their role move to the background [10].
The following example: «…nahm ihr Schicksal selbst in die Hand», translated as: «брала відповідальність за власну долю у свої руки». The expression «etwas selbst in die Hand nehmen» is interpreted in the German online dictionary "Redensarten Index" as «selbständig handeln» and in the Ukrainian online dictionary as «взяти під свій контроль» [10, 8]. That is, we have an example of a complete phraseological equivalent.
Complete phraseological equivalents often have a biblical origin, for example: «Als Sündenbock muss der „Nubbel“ herhalten», – «І німці знайшли собі цапа-відбувайла - солом’яну ляльку "нуббеля"». The phraseological unit «der Sündenbock sein» means: «jemand sein, den man für alles Schlechte verantwortlich machen kann (um sich selbst zu entlasten); unberechtigt beschuldigt werden», – «бути тим, кого роблять відповідальним за все погане (на свою користь); несправедливо стати обвинувачуваним у чомусь» (our translation by N. K.) [10]. In many cultures, people transferred their sins to other beings so that they would be responsible for them. This is also mentioned in the Old Testament: there were two goats, one of which was sacrificed to God, and the other was responsible for all the sins of mankind and also died [10]. Since the Bible is a book that has been translated into more than 450 languages, phraseological units with biblical origins exist in many languages with the same meaning.
Proverbs are a rare phenomenon in journalistic texts. An example from our research: «wir so viel geben müssen wie wir nehmen», – «треба віддавати стільки, скільки береш».
Other examples: «ein zweites Leben für Abfälle», – «Друге життя для відходів»; «endete die Geschichte nicht zuletzt wegen der friedlichen Demonstrationen von mutigen Menschen mit einem „Happy End“», – «І хоч через Стіну гинули люди й розлучалися сім’ї, це історія зі щасливим кінцем»; «Die Idee der Kinder-Unis ist seit 2002 um die ganze Welt gegangen», – «Починаючи з 2002 року, ідея дитячих університетів обійшла увесь світ»; «Auf der anderen Seite», – «З іншого боку».
So, in the materials of our research, such regularities are observed in the semantic borrowing of phraseological units, such as: full equivalents include international phraseological units, as well as phraseological units of biblical origin; a significant role in journalism is played by phraseological units that come from the language of the theater; equivalent proverbs are rarely found in journalism. In addition, removal of infinitive constructions, passive voice, change of person, concretization are typical phenomena during the translation of phraseological units into German.
Selection of an analogue (partial phraseological equivalent) is a method of translation, during which a counterpart in Ukrainian is selected, which has a similar meaning, but which is described using a different image [2, с. 120].
The phraseological analogue fully corresponds to the content of the German-language phraseological unit, but differs in the form of expression: it contains synonymous components, minor changes in the syntactic structure, it can be expressed more concisely or, on the contrary, more loosely. Due to the differences in mentality, culture, worldview and way of life in the German and Ukrainian socio-cultural space, often changing the form of a phraseological unit during translation, with the help of selecting an analogue, consists in changing the imagery and replacing nationally colored components [2, p. 121].
The following example is found in the materials of our research: «Deutschen Fernsehproduktionen haftet traditionell ein schlechter Ruf an», що перекладено як: «Німецький телепродукт традиційно супроводжує сумнівна репутація». In the online German phraseological dictionary "Redensarten Index", the phraseological unit «einen schlechten Ruf haben» is explained as follows: «keine Wertschätzung erfahren; kein Ansehen genießen; eine schlechte Reputation haben» [10]. The phraseological unit «ein schlechter Ruf anhaften» translated as: «приклеювати погану репутацію» [5]. That is, in this case we are dealing with a partial phraseological equivalent, in other words, with a phraseological analogue. Another example: «Die neuen Partys machten Schluss», – «відійшли у минуле». The literal translation would be «робити кінець», since such a form is not inherent in the Ukrainian language, the translator used the analogue «відходити у минуле».
The next analogue: «Pop-up-Räume schießen wie Pilze aus der Erde», – «Pop-up-простори вигулькують немов гриби після дощу». For the German expression «(plötzlich / wie Pilze) aus dem Boden schießen / sprießen; aus der Erde schießen / sprießen» in the Ukrainian language there are analogues: «як гриби після дощу; як з води». Their meaning: appear very quickly; something occurs quickly and in large quantities [7]. Although these expressions are similar in lexical content and structure, they belong to partial equivalents, that is, analogs. After all, in the German language «гриби» appear from under the ground «aus der Erde», and in the Ukrainian analogue «після дощу».
Often analogs are very similar lexemes that differ only in a preposition or a verb, for example: «Steht der Aschermittwoch vor der Tür», – «Великий піст вже стукає у двері». Thus, in the German-language version, the phraseological unit «стояти перед дверима» functions in the sense of «подія, яка скоро відбудеться», and in the Ukrainian-language version, the phraseological unit with the same meaning is used with the verb «стукати».
The following example: «man kriegt hierbei kaum Luft», – «від цього тисне в грудях». The phraseological unit «тиснути [за] серце (коло серця, груди, в грудях і т. ін.)» means: «спричиняти відчуття фізичного або душевного болю, стискання в грудях, у серці» [1]. Despite the differences in lexical content, in the context of this article, these phraseological units can be analogs.
Since the selection of an analogue involves the selection of phraseological units from various possible options, the translator does not always choose the most successful phraseological unit, for example: «Na also, geht doch», – «Отже, результати даються взнаки». The expression «(Es) Geht doch!» is used in German for affirmation, in other words it means: «Es funktioniert! Es ist möglich!» The meaning of the idiom "to show oneself" is significantly different from the previous one, namely: «давати себе відчути; давати себе знати; залишати про себе довгу пам’ять чим-небудь недобрим» [8]. Therefore, when choosing an analogue, it is necessary to pay attention to the meaning of the phraseological unit in order to adequately convey the meaning of the text.
Therefore, when selecting an analog, the translator may have several options that are chosen according to the context, and analogs are often similar in lexical content and differ only in some components. Semantic borrowings are often international phraseological units that have a biblical origin, or those that, due to historical circumstances, function in many languages at the same time with the same meaning and structure. When translating in this way, the following are characteristic: removal of infinitive constructions, passive voice, change of person, concretization.
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