The modern life of both an individual and global society is impossible without the use of digital technologies. The process of using digital technologies to store and use any information in digital form. Modern digitization is a tool for converting text, sound, video and graphic information into a digital format for reading by all modern gadgets [1, pp. 35]. In Ukraine, all entrepreneurs, regardless of the forms of ownership and size of production, are required to use modern software for reporting on all areas of economic activity, including for monitoring production safety and training employees, which allows not only to store documents, but also to perform various analytics. Solving these tasks allows the use of modern smartphones, cloud resources, social networks and even drones.
If we talk about the field of occupational health and safety, then digitalization in this case involves the modernization of the occupational health and safety management system (OH&S), which will improve the quality indicators of the enterprise, improve workplaces, and minimize industrial injuries and occupational diseases at the enterprise [2, pp. 131].
In labour protection, digitization involves the following procedures:
• constant monitoring of employees' compliance with the requirements of current regulations on labour safety due to the introduction of modern video surveillance and audio recording systems;
• health monitoring of employees. This task has been significantly simplified thanks to the introduction of the “Employee's electronic health record” system;
• proper maintenance of documentation both on paper and in electronic form;
• constant improvement of the staff's level of knowledge on occupational health and safety issues through planned professional development and training with knowledge testing.
The introduction of digital tools in the field of industrial safety will contribute to increasing the efficiency of occupational health and safety management systems, reducing financial losses from fines and accidents, as well as reducing injuries. In addition, it helps [3, pp. 474]:
• implementation of a risk-oriented approach in enterprise management;
• reducing the number of accidents and accidents;
• simplification of prevention and planning processes for unforeseen circumstances in the field of security;
• transition of the process of ensuring industrial safety to the digital economy;
• expanding security management capabilities through trend analysis;
• timely and appropriate implementation of industrial safety measures in accordance with the requirements of the legislation;
• implementing preventive measures and influencing the causes of events, rather than reacting to the consequences;
• improving the health and well-being of employees;
• identifying and eliminating inconsistencies and reducing the number of violations;
• achieving a new level of risk management in the field of labour protection, due to which there is an opportunity to reduce industrial injuries and improve working conditions;
• obtaining “free” and sometimes additional resources due to the improvement of working conditions, allowing to use the saved funds to solve other problematic tasks;
• expansion of the range of innovative technologies available to employees in the field of labour protection;
• increasing labour productivity due to the formation of employees' awareness of the importance of compliance with labour protection requirements in their activities;
• optimization of resource costs.
The implementation of the above-mentioned steps will make it possible to significantly improve OH&S at enterprise, which, in turn, will lead to the minimization of production-related accidents and occupational diseases during the employees' performance of their work duties.
1. Сташевський Я., Мірус О. Л. Диджиталізації у сфері охорони праці – вимога часу. Охорона праці: освіта і практика. Проблеми та перспективи розвитку охорони праці: Зб. наук. праць ІІІ Всеукраїнської науково–практичної конференції викладачів та фахівців–практиків та ХІIІ Всеукраїнської науково-практичної конференції курсантів, студентів, аспірантів та ад’юнктів. – 2023. – Львів: ЛДУ БЖД, C. 35-37.
2. Крайнюк О. В., Буц Ю. В., Барбашин В. В., Діденко Н. В. Перспективи диджиталізації у сфері охорони праці // Комунальне господарство міст. – 2020. – № 159. – С. 130-138.
3. Крайнюк О. В., Буц Ю. В. Богатов О. І., Барбашин В. В. Цифрова трансформація системи управління охороною праці: можливості та протиріччя // The 10th International scientific and practical conference: Modern methods of applying scientific theories, Lisbon, Portugal. International Science Group. – 2023. – С. 470-474.