Green spaces clean the atmospheric basin of industrial cities by minimizing the concentration of dust and toxicants in the air, reducing the strength of sound waves, and creating favorable living conditions for the population.
Therefore, an important task is to systematically record green spaces to determine their quantitative characteristics and assess the condition of each of the plants studied. However, today in Dnipro there is no unified electronic database that would allow for prompt accounting of green spaces in a modern industrial city.
The aim of the work is to develop and put into operation an electronic register of green spaces in Dnipro based on real-time GIS and place it on the Internet for public use through the ArcGIS-Online environment.
Based on the analysis of the literature [1–3], a system of indicators was substantiated, according to which it is advisable to form an electronic register of green spaces. In total, more than 60 indicators were proposed for each tree. All indicators can be divided into several groups: general, botanical, biometric, sanitary and hygienic, and special.
Many of the registry parameters should be categorized and coded with numbers, for example, tree height or CrownCat tree crown projection: 0 – undefined; 1 – over 10 m; 2 – from 5 to 10 m; 3 – from 3 to 5 m; 4 – less than 3 m.
The Age parameter characterizes the biological age of the tree, which is determined by its general appearance and is coded as follows: 0 – not defined, 1 – sapling, 2 – young tree, 3 – mature tree, 4 – old tree. The Nodes text field is provided to describe any notes about the tree, such as "damaged by parasites" or "has a branched trunk". This can be used to make a decision about a particular tree.
During field tripping investigation the state of trees is really recommended to shows a tree record card that contains those indicators of the registry that are filled in directly during field research. This includes mainly attributive, biometric, botanical and sanitary features, as well as photographs of tree components for further clarification of its taxon and damage together with specialists.
The sanitary condition of the tree and the category of vital activity status were determined during the field surveys by expert assessment, depending on the intensity of the signs listed in this table.
Thus, for each tree, the sanitary condition of its crown, trunk and leaves was determined according to external signs. In this case, the best condition of the trunk, crown or leaves corresponds to the first category, and the worst - to the sixth. The numerical values of the condition and category were then entered into an electronic register.
To develop this electronic registry, a specialized software package ESRI ArcGIS Desktop 10.8 was used, in which the above structure was reproduced as a layer of point objects, i.e. trees with the relevant attribute information.
After entering all the primary data into the registry, the Field Calculator tool was used to determine additional data, such as trunk diameter, sanitary condition, leaf biomass, and others, using certain mathematical functions.
To make this registry available to all interested parties, it was published online through the ArcGIS-Online service. The ArcGIS-Online service allows editing the registry data and adding new trees to it through a regular browser, as well as visualizing objects by any parameter.
From now on, anyone can participate in the identification of new trees and verification of information about existing trees in the register, for example, determining the type of tree from a photo, clarifying their sanitary, biometric and other indicators (Fig. 1).
Fig. 1 – Implementation of the register of green spaces in ArcGIS 10.8
Next, the research results were exported from the register for further statistical calculations to the original spreadsheet, a fragment of which is shown on this slide. This made it possible to analyze the statistical characteristics of trees in the territories of sanitary protection zones of industrial enterprises in Dnipro.
We also developed a form of an environmental passport for a tree based on the data entered into the register. Thus, this passport can be automatically generated for each tree contained in the electronic registry and used as an output form. A prototype of this form is shown in Fig. 2
Fig. 2 – Development of a tree passport form based on an electronic register of green spaces (prototype)
The approach proposed in this paper to the creation of a municipal register of green spaces allows for the rapid recording of plants with the simultaneous input of information from many researchers. And the ease of working with this electronic registry makes it possible to involve all interested parties, including pupils, students, volunteers, representatives of public organizations and concerned citizens of the city, etc.
In the future, the registry data will be useful for comparing tree health data with additional layers of environmental data, such as concentrations of substances in the air and soil.
1. Озеленення населених місць: підручник для студентів вищих навчальних закладів / В.П. Кучерявий, В.С. Кучерявий — Львів, Видавництво «Новий Світ-2000», 2020.—666 с.
2. Хомюк, П. Застосування сучасних технологій для інвентаризації зелених насаджень об’єктів природно-заповідного фонду. Науковий вісник Національного університету біоресурсів і природокористування України. Сер. : Лісівництво та декоративне садівництво, 2012. 171(1), – C. 241 – 247.
3. Шлапак, В. П. ГІС-технологія як один з пріоритетних напрямків інвентаризації деревних насаджень парку «Софіївка». Науковий вісник Національного лісотехнічного університету України: зб. наук.-техн. пр.,. 2010. 20.5, – C. 286–291.
4. Web GIS Mapping Software ArcGIS Online. URL: (Дата звернення 01.12.2023)
Науковий керівник: Гнатушенко Володимир Володимирович, доктор технічних наук, професор, Національний технічний університет «Дніпровська політехніка»