Світ наукових досліджень. Випуск 38

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20 лютого 2025

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17.10.2023 01:51
Автор: Нагай Ірина Давидівна, старший викладач, Бердянський державний педагогічний університет
[9. Філологічні науки;]


The article deals with the problems of formation of students’ Business Communications skills at Higher Educational Institutions. The problems of mastering business communications in higher education institutions and the necessity of using distance learning to improve business communication skills (hereinafter referred to as BC) of young specialists are considered. Recommendations for improving the effectiveness of business communication are developed. The goal of research work deals with the theoretical justification and presentation of non-standard interactive means and forms of educational activity, oriented on formation business communication skills of students within distant learning (hereinafter referred to as DL). It is well known that business viability directly depends on the ability of managers working in the field of international business to establish and maintain business contacts with staff, consumers, and business partners. In this regard, it is very important to increase the level of effectiveness of mastering BC skills, which determines the relevance of this work. 

Key words: business communications, distance learning, communication style, corporate communication, communication competence.


Стаття присвячена проблемам формування навичок ділового спілкування у студентів вищих навчальних закладів. Розглянуто проблеми оволодіння діловими комунікаціями у вищих навчальних закладах та необхідність використання дистанційного навчання для вдосконалення навичок ділового спілкування (далі - ДC) молодих фахівців. Розроблено рекомендації щодо підвищення ефективності ділового спілкування. Мета науково-дослідної роботи полягає в теоретичному обґрунтуванні та презентації нестандартних інтерактивних засобів і форм навчальної діяльності, орієнтованих на формування навичок ділового спілкування студентів в умовах дистанційного навчання (далі - ДН). Загальновідомо, що життєздатність бізнесу прямо пропорційно залежить від здатності менеджерів, які працюють у сфері міжнародного бізнесу, встановлювати та підтримувати ділові контакти з персоналом, споживачами, бізнес-партнерами. У зв'язку з цим дуже актуальним є підвищення рівня ефективності володіння навичками БК, що визначає актуальність даної роботи. Ключові слова: бізнес комунікації, дистанційне навчання, комунікативний стиль, корпоративна комунікація, комунікативна компетенція.

At a time when Ukraine is moving towards European integration and international business is increasingly interested in the development of the Ukrainian economy, the issue of training young professionals who not only know English - the language of business but also possess basic skills of business communication (hereinafter - BC) is particularly acute. The course of English Business Communication, or Business Communications, meets the solution of exactly these tasks. Young specialists face the problem of organizing business communications when doing business with foreign partners. In this regard, it is very important to improve the level of effectiveness of BC skills, which determines the relevance of this paper. Knowledge and skills in BC can be a decisive factor for successful business development. It is well known that the viability of a business directly depends on the ability of managers working in the field of international business to establish and maintain business contacts with staff, consumers, and business partners. However, a business person should not just be able to communicate but should be able to communicate correctly, observing certain generally accepted rules and appropriate business style. Ignoring these rules and norms can lead even the most successful company, which produces competitive products of the highest quality and has well-trained staff, to failure if it does not know how to build business relations with business partners, customers, and its staff. According to Y.I. Bondarenko, a researcher of the intercultural aspect of teaching the English language, the main task that English language teachers in humanities and economics universities face is to overcome the following problems «a poor level of teaching communicative competence among students of English and Economics» [1] 

In this age of technological development and increasing accessibility of the Internet, the use of computer technology has become an integral part of the educational process. Computers are used by students as multimedia laboratories, not just as a simple source of information. Innovative use of technologies that combine telecommunications (e-mail, online resources, Internet navigators), multimedia, and user-friendly software applications make the learning process more interesting informative, and more in line with the realities of today. In addition, Ukraine's approximation to European standards will increase the need for specialists who speak foreign languages and who can independently improve their professional qualifications. In this regard, the role of distance learning (hereinafter referred to as DL) for both learning and testing is increasing. 

Distance learning has developed rapidly in recent years. The need for distance learning has existed for a long time, but only recently has the emergence of more accessible and faster Internet connections allowed educational institutions to offer online courses at all levels of study. The most popular is the asynchronous method of DL, which involves the use of web technologies and allows students to use the Internet to access their web page, where they find course materials, lectures, seminar plans, test tasks, and everything else they need to study. Of course, this form of DL requires students to be self-motivated and self-disciplined to keep up with the course requirements and adhere to the planned schedule.

The attractiveness of this form of learning is that students can access the websites and portals where the required courses are located at a convenient time for them when Internet resources are available.

The publication aims to develop recommendations for improving the BC skills of future specialists. To achieve the set goals the following tasks were solved: the role of BC in the successful development of international business was considered; the role of DO in mastering BC skills was considered; recommendations for improving the effectiveness of BC using DOs were proposed.

Business communication is very important for a successful business because any business organization is made up of people. As Robert Kent, professor of Harvard Business School, said: "In business, communication is everything". [2]. The changing environment and increasing complexity of the 21st-century workplace make communication even more important. The more horizontal structure of organizations, a more diverse work base in terms of age, education, training, and the use of teamwork methods make communication essential to an organization's business success. The horizontal structure of organizations means that managers communicate with many people over whom they may have no formal control. The times when a manager only gave orders were over. The management model of past generations is increasingly replacing collaborative management, where communication is the key to building trust and understanding and motivating employees. Companies are realising the advantage of fully utilizing the creativity, talents, experience, and perspectives of a diverse work base. Teamwork is the modus operandi of the 21st-century organization, and teamwork is about constant communication.

It should be noted that the knowledge and skills that students acquire in face-to-face mode are very important, but not always sufficient to guarantee successful learning. Senior students and master's students often work alongside their studies and do not have the opportunity to acquire the necessary knowledge and improve the necessary practical skills. In this case, DL is the means to help students. Distance learning courses are successfully used by master's and specialist students who study on an individual schedule. It helps students develop their learning and information retrieval skills. We fully share the opinion of A.M. Holdin: "The development of tasks that help to optimize the management of students' independent work with the help of multimedia and the verification of its results is one of the important components of the educational process and methodological support for teaching a foreign language to students of economic specialties" [4].

Thus, we can state that today's DL demonstrates its advantages due to its much higher information content, accessibility and cost-effectiveness.  It provides the opportunity to fully use all modern interactive learning tools through the Internet system, the ability to study continuously from any place at any time, the possibility of individual learning for graduate and part-time students.


1.Bondarenko Y.I. Cross-cultural aspects of teaching Business Communications: listening aspect. Materials of the International Scientific and Methodological Conference «Karazin Readings: Methodology and Linguistics - on the Way to Integration». Kharkiv: Kharkivskyi nats. universytet im. V. N. Karazina, 2007. С.27-29.

2.Kent R. Commission’s finding. New York Times, January 13, 2005. С. 19-21.

3.Nahai I. D. English language of business communication: methodical guide] 2nd-ed. Berdyansk: O.V. Tkachuk, 2005. C.75.

4.Holdin A. N. Motivation for learning English for business communication in the distance learning system of economics students. Materials of the VI International Conference «Karazin readings: Man. Language. Communication». Kharkiv: Kharkivskyi nats. universy, 2007. C.88-90. 

5.Clark L. R., Zimmer K., Tinervia J. Business English and Communication. Texbook. Westerville, McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1988. C. 640.

6.Deborah C. Andrews, Villiam D. Andrews Business Communications / Deborah C. Andrews, Villiam D. Andrews // Textbook. – New York, Macmillan Publishing Company, 1992. C. 618.

7.New Webster's Dictionary and Treasure of English Language. USA, Lexicon Publications, Inc, 1993. C. 1248.

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19.10.2023 21:36

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