Світ наукових досліджень. Випуск 38

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20 лютого 2025

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12.10.2023 00:27
Автор: Oleg Moroz, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Engineering Educational and Scientific Institute of the Zaporizhian National University, Ukraine
[16. Державне управління;]

The relevance of the study of problems related to the definition of the state economic policy of post-crisis development of the country as a whole, as well as its individual regions and certain territorial entities, in particular, in the modern conditions of Ukraine overcoming the existing crisis phenomena, primarily related to the war and its consequences (economic, social, psycho-emotional, etc.) is determined by the fact that significant economic and political support for Ukraine from the partner countries, which was provided during the war, may significantly decrease (and in some cases even change) after its end.

Joseph Schumpeter, one of the founders of the entrepreneurial approach to the development of economic relations, believed that economic growth is based on the evolutionary process of constant "creative destruction" and innovation as certain scientific and organizational combinations of production factors that are motivated by an entrepreneurial spirit [1]. These statements have been repeatedly confirmed by the practical experience of developed countries, which proves that it is the innovative path that is the most promising both for individual business entities and for the economy of the country as a whole and its individual regions, in particular. Without the constant introduction of innovations into the activity of any business entity, the life cycle of the results of its activity, as the life cycle of the business structure as a whole, is sharply shortened and it becomes practically impossible to achieve the defined goals of existence and strategic development of this entity in general and at each stage of its activity in particular.

That is why one of the most urgent and difficult tasks of the state policy of post-crisis recovery of both the country's economy as a whole and its individual regional economies and businesses existing on their territory, in particular, is the creation of an innovative type of economy in post-war Ukraine - an economy based on: a) a continuous flow of innovations in the economy, which will force innovations in social relations as well; b) constant technical-technological and economic-management improvement; c) creation of new productions of high-tech products with very high  added value; d) creation and expansion of target markets in the global economy to ensure the export of domestic products and services, etc. [2, с.36-38] Among the main factors complicating the process of implementing such a policy may, in particular, be such factors as: a) limited resources to overcome the destruction and restore regional infrastructure (energy, logistics, financial, etc.) and business assets; b) demographic losses in the country as a whole (especially in some of its regions) and innovative potential of Ukraine (primarily fundamental research and branch scientific, research, design and construction institutions, etc.), in particular; c) the presence of an unfavorable investment climate for business development in the country (including as a result of risks existing in the post-war situation and significant debt to donor countries and certain transnational structures); d) aggravation in the post-crisis period of competitive struggle both on the international arena within the global economy as a whole, and in certain industries and types of activity, in particular, etc. [3, с.86-123]

Taking into account the above, the basis of the state strategy of the country's economic development should, in our opinion, be the formation of Ukraine as a high-tech state with a developed innovative economy. At the same time, the determining priority of the state policy for the implementation of this strategy should first of all be the structural restructuring of domestic industry, which will force to ensure the development of an innovative model of economic growth, on the basis of: a) creation of favorable conditions for innovation and investment activities with the expansion of attracting domestic and international resources investors, on the one hand; b) the implementation of a strict purposeful protectionist state policy (even contrary to individual requirements of the WTO), on the other hand.

Thus, the state policy of post-crisis development in Ukraine should create in the country as a whole and in its individual regions, in particular, the basis for high competitiveness on the market and conditions that will contribute to the fact that the main revenues to the budgets of various levels will primarily create the components of the innovative economy ( the intelligence of innovators and scientists embodied in the development of high-tech and informational spheres of the economy, etc.), not the presence of certain minerals and geographical advantages (resource economy) and not even material production (industrial economy) and not achievements based on the concentration of finance (capital) and financial operations. As measures contributing to the implementation of the state innovation policy, as a tool for ensuring the post-crisis development of the country's economy, the following can be presented, in particular:

- the development of the economy with the wide use of modern and global achievements of the national information structure, the creation of promising information technologies, telecommunication networks, information means of communication systems, etc. and their effective use in various spheres of the economy of the country and its regions;

- the implementation of comprehensive measures for the in-depth stimulation of the export orientation of the results of the economic activity of businesses of various forms of ownership and branch directions, obtained on the basis of the introduction of high-tech productions through comprehensive support for the development of a wide range of innovative structures in the country in the form of scientific and educational and research centers, technopole’s and technology parks, scientific and technical cooperation and strategic alliances;

- creation of favorable conditions for the development of high-tech industries based on the expansion of their innovation and investment activities by applying program-targeted methods of economic management of the development of certain industries, types of activities, regions, etc.;

- improvement of the existing and development of a new legislative and regulatory framework to ensure effective protection of national interests, which should prevent the transformation of Ukraine into an agrarian and raw material appendage to industrially developed countries (even if they provided significant assistance and support to the country during the war);

- introduction of effective mechanisms of state support (insurance, lending, establishment of benefits, etc.) for the development of businesses (primarily small and medium-sized businesses) that develop and implement innovative high-tech products (services), as well as the activities of which are associated with significant risks of implementing innovative investment activity;

- ensuring fruitful interaction of the state, regions and business in the formation and implementation of innovation and investment policy, which would ensure a balanced reflection of everyone's interests.

Thus, the state policy of recovery and development of Ukraine in the post-war period should be aimed at overcoming the economic crisis in the country in the direction of creating the necessary economic, legal, organizational and other conditions for transforming the existing state of the economy into an innovative economy. For this, the activities of state administration and local self-government bodies must be focused on: a) creating appropriate conditions for the development of innovative and investment business activities in all sectors and spheres of the economy of the country as a whole and its individual regions, in particular (regardless of the forms of ownership), in the first place in the leading industries of material production and spheres of service provision; b) support for the effective use of the results of innovative developments both in the technical-technological and economic-management spheres of activity, and in the sphere of implementation of advanced and effective know-how developments. Such a policy must ensure the competitiveness of domestic products (services) on world markets, which should become not only a trigger for economic development, but also a basis for solving post-crisis social problems and solving tasks of socio-economic development.

Список використаних джерел

1.Schumpeter J. A. Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy. Routledge: Business books, 2004.  р. 81–84.

2.Інноваційна економіка: теоретичні та практичні аспекти. Монографія / за ред. О.М. Коваленко. Херсон: ОЛДІ-ПЛЮС, 2018. 634с. 

3.Краус Н. М. Інноваційна економіка в глобалізованому світі: інституціональний базис формування та траєкторія розвитку. Монографія. Київ: Аграр Медіа Груп, 2021. 492 с. 

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