Introduction. With the beginning of full-scale aggression, Ukrainians experienced shock, stress and a state of despair. Which quickly changed to unity, concerted actions, faith in the Ukrainian military and support of the world community. But such psychological mood swings can have a negative impact not only on our life, but also on work, especially for educators, who must maintain psychological stability under any conditions. The main task of our psyche in extreme conditions is to preserve and protect a person. Therefore, during "emotional waves", fear, anger, irritation, and anger are first felt, which then change due to the adoption of coordinated actions, determination, pride, and joy [1].
In this way, it is possible to define certain stages in more detail and highlight their inherent features:
1. Stage of collective synchronization in case of danger. It manifests itself in fear, despair, guilt, the desire to protect loved ones and relatives, that is why it is so important at this stage not to give in to despair and continue to act.
2. The stage of waiting for the results of solving the problem. It is important to have patience and endurance and remember that too high expectations can lead to strong disappointments and discouragement.
3. The stage of self-control is very important for maintaining vitality and survival in extreme conditions. It is necessary to find an opportunity to restore the body and maintain its emotional and physical resources. It is very important for educators to teach children and teenagers such behavior by their own example.
Separately, we note that a panic attack is an unpredictable feeling of uncontrollable fear with serious consequences, which can occur at any moment [2]. During such a state, a person may feel that he is on the verge of a heart attack, there is often a lack of air, and according to the statement of children and adolescents, it seems to them that they are about to die. That is why teachers who spend a lot of time with children should be able to recognize such a condition in order to provide the necessary help in time.
To overcome a panic attack in yourself or someone nearby, there are several effective recommendations [1, 2]:
1. Deep breathing, at least 6 cycles of very slow inhalations and exhalations at the same pace either by yourself or together with a person who has become ill, because during rhythmic and temporal breathing the body is saturated with oxygen and the person calms down.
2. Try to focus on the sensations of what you see, hear, smell, focus on tactile sensations, or vice versa - if you feel sick, then go out there, where there are less people, noise and smells.
3. You can try to remember some poems, pleasant or funny stories, sayings that are characteristic of close people, or just count something, that is, use thinking.
4. If close people are nearby during a panic attack, hugging each other and talking about something at a very calm pace is a very calming tool.
5. Reassure yourself or the person with whom the panic attack occurred that this condition is simply unpleasant and does not carry threats and passes quickly.
For children, there are slightly different methods of support during a panic attack:
•ask the child if he has ever experienced a similar condition and what can be done to help him, and if this is the first time for the child, then take him to a quiet place with clean air and take deep, calm breaths together;
•in a conversation with the child, you need to very calmly and confidently repeat something like: “I'm next to you”, “we are together”, “it's just panic and it will pass soon”, hugs also give the child a sense of security;
•if the child has started to calm down, you can start talking about something interesting and pleasant to distract him, and later start asking questions.
It is not correct to try to curb a panic attack by splashing water on the face, shaking the person and slapping, because a panic attack is not a problem of the mental abilities of an individual, but a state of excessive emotional stress and exhaustion. Therefore, calming breathing, when the exhalation is longer than the inhalation, is the main one during stress and panic, and trembling at the moment of stress is also a completely natural phenomenon and a kind of shock reaction to get out of the state of numbness. Tremors are wave-like and do not harm the body, and you do not need to try to stop them.
Conclusion. So, at first glance, strange behavioral reactions of people during non-standard situations caused by shock states, nervous system exhaustion, which lead to panic attacks, are completely natural and aimed, first of all, at the survival of the human body.
1. Vovchenko, О. А. (2023). Panic attacks among educators under the conditions of hostilities on the territory of Ukraine: a collection of scientific works based on the materials of the All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference “Formation of life competence of persons with special educational needs in the system of extracurricular, special and inclusive education” KNPU named after H. S. Skovoroda, Kharkiv, Ukraine, pp. 46-50.
2. Ngina, K. M. C., Kiwang, A. H. B., & Layugan, L. A. B. (2022). Stress, Anxiety, Depression Levels and Coping Mechanisms of Students and Teachers: A School-based Population Survey. Mountain Journal of Science and Interdisciplinary Research (formerly Benguet State University Research Journal), 82(2), 73-90.