The modern approach to learning foreign languages is focused on communication as the goal of learning, that is, attention is emphasized on the communicative approach to learning foreign languages. The defining principles of the communicative approach are: speech orientation of the educational process, which consists in the fact that the way to achieve the set practical goal is the correct use of a foreign language; individualization from the point of view of its personal aspect as the main means of motivation and activity of participants in the educational process; multifunctionality, which ensures the selection of foreign language material for an adequate communication process; situationality, novelty, etc.
The analysis of scientific sources allowed us to highlight the most characteristic features of dialogic speech, namely: the presence of interlocutors; quick exchange of cues almost without pre-consideration; semantic interdependence of replicas; situational dependence of cues; brevity, clarity of lines; wide use of "tested" means-stamps in speech; auditory perception of dialogue participants: the importance of intonation, timbre, tonality, etc., which can affect the semantics of words, change it, or even completely neutralize it; visual perception of dialogue participants.
Educational dialogue, as a type of language activity, is complicated by the fact that it involves a rapid change of acts of perception and speech. In a dialogue, it is impossible, as in a monologue, to predict the course of thoughts, because the statement of one partner largely depends on what the other will say to him.
In the process of learning a foreign language, students must learn to: start a conversation using an initiative line; respond correctly and quickly to the interlocutor's proactive response with a reactive response; maintain a conversation, that is, to continue the conversation, use not purely reactive, but reactive-initiative cues.
The communicative goal of educational dialogues is to carry out a certain social action provided by the etiquette of a certain speech community. The main qualitative indicators of the formation of the general ability to conduct dialogue in a foreign language are special skills: 1) to produce dialogic unity of various types; 2) start a dialogue using an appropriate initiative response (message, prompt, question); 3) respond to the interlocutor's cue, using cues that have different communicative functions; 4) maintain the conversation by adding your own proactive remark to the reaction remark; 5) stimulate the interlocutor to speak, expressing his interest with the help of replicas of an evaluative nature; 6) produce dialogues of various functional types based on the proposed educational communicative situations; 7) if necessary (not understanding the interlocutor's line or difficulty in expressing one's opinion), politely interrupt the conversation and turn to a partner or even a reference book (interlocutor, dictionary) for help.
The use of the method of educational dialogues in order to develop students' dialogic speech in English language classes involves compliance with the following requirements for the educational process, namely the provision of speech and thinking tasks of various levels; building exercises on the didactic material, which is the text; the use of sample texts as a method of preparation for oral and written statements; adaptability of the content of the texts to the individual age characteristics of the students; natural situational nature of learning. Compliance with stylistic and genre differentiation of exercises; teaching students ways of creative activity; a combination of reproductive and productive actions; the systematic application of exercises involving creative activity of a monologic and dialogic nature; subordinating the content of exercises to work on typical shortcomings in student speech; personal approach to the formation of students' skills [1].
Methodists quite rightly believe that the teaching of oral speech should begin with an educational dialogue. Then, from the very beginning, the foreign language is presented as a process, as a new form of communication, and learning begins with an effort to establish communicative contact both with the group and with individual students. It is in dialogue that the student's creative abilities are most fully manifested.
Summing up, we note that educational dialogue should play a leading role in the process of learning a foreign language. The communication that occurs during the dialogue contributes to the emergence of a verbal stimulus that activates the process of learning and assimilation of lexical and grammatical material by students. In foreign language classes, the greatest attention should be given to students' dialogic speech for the development and improvement of speaking skills. To ensure the effective development of skills and abilities of dialogical speech, it is necessary to apply sets of exercises for teaching this type of speech.
1. Kostyuchenko K.E. Peculiarities of learning dialogic speech in English language classes at universities. – Scientific notes / Ed. col.: V.V. Radul, V.A. Kushnir et al. – Issue 135. – Kirovohrad: RVV KDPU named after V. Vinnichenko, 2015. – P.135 - 139.
2. A. O. Nakonechna, I. Ya. Ordynska. Peculiarities of teaching dialogic speech when learning English / A. O. Nakonechna, I. Ya. Ordynska // Collection of scientific works of the National Academy of the State Border Service of Ukraine. Series: Pedagogical sciences. - 2015. - No. 2. - P.175-189.
3. Nikolayeva S. Yu. Modern technologies of teaching foreign communication / S. Yu. Nikolayeva, G. A. Hryniuk, T. I. Oliynyk. - K.: Lenvit, 1997. - 96 p.