In the current conditions of Ukraine’s integration into European society, a new stage of modernization of the education system is taking place and the requirements for future specialists are increasing. The orientation of the education system to improve the level of knowledge of the future specialist and the formation of his/her professional competence require not only professional knowledge, but also mastering a foreign language as a means of communication on the way to the globalization of knowledge. In addition, the draft law on the use of the English language, initiated by Volodymyr Zelenskyi, will affect many social spheres, including heads of business entities of the economy state sector [2]. Therefore, teaching a foreign language in non-linguistic higher educational establishments involves the formation of students’ ability to learn a foreign language in specific, professional, business and scientific spheres and situations [1, p. 45].
According to the educational and professional training programmes of specialists of various fields of Kherson State Agrarian and Economic University, the specialty “Economics” of the first (bachelor’s) level of higher education, in particular, “the ability to communicate in a foreign language” is noted among the general competencies [4]. Moreover, mastering “skills of oral and written professional communication in state and foreign languages” is registered among the programme learning outcomes [4].
V. Karychkovskyi and S. Karychkovska affirm that professionally-oriented training in a non-linguistic higher educational establishments denotes the process of learning a foreign language and is focused on reading literature on the specialty, learning professional vocabulary and terminology as well as communication in the field of professional activity [3, p. 82].
H. Cherednichenko states that “at present the essence of ESP language teaching lies in its interdisciplinary integration with major disciplines with the aim of obtaining additional professional knowledge and developing of professional qualities of a personality that can lead to gaining essential soft skills. The issues that are crucial to mastering students’ professional and communication skills are: the focus on developing the conceptual terminology for a specific major; the expansion of the information-analytical data based on the authentic texts activities, including students’ own information search and analysis to support their arguments; mastering learning strategies; ability to interpret, to conduct discussions; to provide ideas; to deal with typical work-oriented tasks” [5].
Based on our own experience, among the challenges of professionally-oriented teaching of English at Kherson State Agrarian and Economic University we define the following: clarifying the content of the educational professional discipline and highlighting its intercultural aspects; anticipatory studying professionally oriented material in the native language so that the English language teacher does not take over the functions of a teacher of specialized disciplines in which he/she is not an expert; adjustment of curricula to ensure the consistency of studying professionally significant topics in native and foreign languages; conducting integrated classes in specialized disciplines in the native and English languages using the types of educational activities typical of classes in a foreign language (simulation of situations, work in pairs, answers in the form of presentations, discussions, etc.).
While studying, students of our university use English in natural professional communicative situations, among which we single out their annual participation in All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conferences. During participation in conferences of this level, students should understand a report or message in a foreign language, on the one hand, and establish speech contacts related to joint business activities, on the other hand [6].
To further our research, we plan to analyze and describe English Language Portfolio – a method by which students reflect their achievements and experience in learning foreign languages.
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