Implementation of the key tasks of reforming modern special education in Ukraine requires improvement of forms, methods, techniques and means of forming the subject competences of schoolchildren with special educational needs. Along with the rapid growth of new digital sources of obtaining information, the school textbook continues to act as an important means of forming a system of geographical knowledge and practical skills in schoolchildren with intellectual disabilities. The geography textbook is a mandatory component of the educational system, the most important component of the educational and methodological support of the school discipline, and is also directly related to a specific model of learning.
A significant number of studies by Ukrainian researchers is devoted to the issue of creating a multifunctional school geography textbook. The scientific works of N. Burynska, N. Vishnikina, I. Dibrova, R. Kovalenko, S. Kobernik, V. Kornieiev, L. Kruhlyk, O. Nadtoka, T. Nazarenko, S. Naumenko, O. Samoilenko, O. Skuratovych, O. Topuzova and others reveal the experience and problems of modern textbook creation, the role of the geography textbook as a tool for transmitting the subject content of education, the importance of the textbook in the formation of the subject geographical competence of students of general secondary education institutions, the methodological potential of textbooks and the methodology of organizing work with them while learning various geography courses of the basic and specialized school.
In the system of geographical education of children with intellectual disabilities, the school textbook not only ensures the process of forming the geographical content knowledge, but also contributes to the formation of key educational skills – the ability to work with a textbook, to effectively use each structural component of the textbook, to analyze what has been read, to establish cause-and-effect relationships.
S. Dubovskyi, A. Holovata, I. Yeremenko, V. Lypa, L. Odynchenko, T. Skyba, V. Siniov and others in their scientific works highlighted the most significant methodological aspects of the work of special school students with a textbook at geography lessons. According to scientists, the textbook acts as a comprehensive and interdisciplinary source of information that reflects the multi-component content of special education. It provides a full-fledged formation of the geographical subject competence of schoolchildren with intellectual disabilities, acts as a tool for organizing the educational activities of schoolchildren, affects formation and expansion of their worldview, increases the level of motivation and awareness in learning, correction of mental development violations of children of this category. In the special methodological literature, organization of work with a textbook at geography lessons is considered as a complex activity, which assumes that children have developed skills to work with the text (explanatory reading, drawing up a plan based on the read text, establishing logical connections between parts of the text), extratextual components (finding the definition of concepts, finding an answer to a question, explaining a natural or geographical phenomenon based on an illustration), using an orientation device.
The conducted analysis of methodological literature allows us to conclude that the process of forming students’ rational techniques of working with geographical text includes several components: formation of techniques based on theoretical knowledge; availability of a system of exercises for mastering activities; reliance on previously acquired knowledge and techniques, their use at a new level and in new connections; successful teacher management of the process of learning techniques. The need to combine techniques of working with the text of the textbook with other methods (verbal, practical) and teaching tools (working with a geographical map, workbook, images, models, slides, etc.) is emphasized.
Various types of work with the textbook at geography lessons are aimed at the successful formation of schoolchildren’s ability to use the listed methods of working with a geographical text, such as: determining the structural components of the textbook text (terms of concepts, facts, conclusions, description of a natural object or phenomenon, explanation, etc.); drawing up a plan based on the read text, analyzing what was read in accordance with the points of the defined plan, conveying the material based on the plan; working with a geographic map based on the text of a geography textbook, supplementing the text with missing data based on reading a geographic map; formulation of conclusions; carrying out comparisons on several characteristics based on the read text of the textbook.
The use of various techniques of working with the textbook ensures formation of subject geographical competences of schoolchildren with intellectual disabilities, rational skills to work with the book, the ability to use each of the structural components of the school textbook to master the knowledge system of the subject.
1. Didactics of geography: monograph / V. M. Samoilenko, O. M. Topuzov, L. P. Vishnikina, I. O. Dibrova. K.: Nika-Center, 2013. 570 p.
2. Nazarenko T. H. Peculiarities of methodological work with a geography textbook in primary school. Problems of the modern textbook. 2017. Issue 18. pp. 11–125.
3. Odynchenko L. K. Peculiarities of organizing work with the text of the textbook at geography lessons in the auxiliary school. Collection of scientific works of Kamianets-Podilskyi State University: Social and pedagogical series. 2009. Vol. XII. pp. 231–234.
4. Siniov V. M. Correctional psychopedagogy. Oligophrenopedagogy: a textbook. Part 2. Education and upbringing of children. K.: Publication of Drahomanov NPU, 2009. 224 p.