Світ наукових досліджень. Випуск 38

Термін подання матеріалів

20 лютого 2025

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Українська рейтингова система


30.01.2023 14:34
Автор: Serhii Krasovskyi, PhD student, Dnipro University of Technology; Kyrylo Zvoryhin, PhD student, Dnipro University of Technology
[24. Геологічні науки;]

ORCID: 0000-0002-1114-5008 Serhii Krasovskyi

ORCID: 0000-0002-2452-4699 Kyrylo Zvoryhin

On February 24, 2022, the russian federation launched a criminal war against independent Ukraine. The number of those killed at the beginning of 2023 goes to tens of thousands on both sides, military and civilians are dying. In addition, chaotic fire destroys entire ecosystems along with flora and fauna. This largest war in Europe since the WWII sets monumental goals for the subsequent restoration of the environment. According to some reports, the amount of ammunition used by one soldier exceeds the figures of two world wars combined. The challenge posed to Ukraine and the world community requires a deep understanding of the extent of the destruction, since Ukraine will temporarily be unable to grow crops after the victory in the territories contaminated by the result of military operations. Already in 2022, the countries of Asia and Africa felt the echo of the war on themselves with food shortages. Therefore, comprehensive studies of the state of soils in Ukraine, their levels of pollution and restoration plans are needed.

Most of the military operations take place on the ground. During this, there is a great load on the natural landscapes. Combat operations can also be conducted in territories where endangered species are found. During the active use of weapons, craters, fragments and chemical contamination of the lithosphere remain on the ground. Active hostilities also affect biodiversity development. There are changes in the upper layers of the ground due to the movement of heavy military equipment. It is difficult to calculate the total areas that are subject to anthropogenic influence during war [1].

During the detonation of rockets and artillery shells, a number of chemical compounds are formed, including carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrous oxide (N2O), formaldehyde (CH2O), cyanic acid vapors (HCN), and a large number of toxic organics. During an explosion, all substances undergo complete oxidation, and the products of the chemical reaction are released into the atmosphere, where they migrate around the world and cause further acid rain [1]. 

Of course, the purpose of rockets and projectiles is not just detonation, but the destruction of enemy equipment or objects. For example, russian soldiers like to target ecologically dangerous infrastructure facilities. Attacks on Ukrainian thermal and hydroelectric power stations, destruction of gas pipelines, shelling of water treatment facilities, chemical factories and warehouses were recorded.  The use of heavy vehicles damages the soil and destroys the vegetation. Each detonation of a projectile or rocket is not only the release of a chemical cocktail into the environment, but also the complete destruction of all animals, plants and microorganisms in the radius of the impact. Finally, not all shells explode. And more than 80,000 square kilometers of Ukraine were intentionally mined with anti-personnel and anti-tank weapons. This poses a huge threat not only to humans but also to flora and fauna due to potential explosions in the years after the conflict ends. For context: each day of hostilities accounts for about a month of mine clearance. In addition, abandoned explosive munitions, in addition to lead, uranium and stibium, contain a lot of indescribable toxic elements that quickly enter the natural cycle. Thousands of tanks and armored vehicles contaminate the ground with fuel and lubricants, and the burned ones continue to cause damage as scrap metal. It is carcinogenic waste that poisons air, soil and water with heavy metals [1]. 

Phytoremediation is one of the effective and cheap methods for solving this problem. Plants that are stress-resistant should be selected for phytoremediation of lands contaminated with heavy metals.  Chrysopogon zizanioides (L.) Robert is one of these.  The analysis showed that this plant is a good accumulator of such heavy metals as (Fe, Zn, Mn and Cr) [2]. Such plants as B. Pilosa, A. Roxburghiana, A. Argyi, A. Hispidu, have shown that they are undemanding to environmental conditions and stabilize the substrate with heavy metals well [3]. During experiments, it was recorded that such agricultural plants with high biomass, such as Indian mustard, corn and sunflower can accumulate a lot of lead [4]. The hyperaccumulative properties of zinc have been observed in the plant T. Caerulescens [5].

Of course, one should not forget about plants that are typical for this climatic region. Hordeum murinum and Bromus japonicus showed excellent growth performance and accumulative properties [6]. Also, Bromopsis inermis holub showed adaptation to soils contaminated with heavy metal [7].  Triticum aestivum turned out to be resistant to heavy metal salts of lead and cadmium [8]. The research plants are typical for the climatic zone of Ukraine where active hostilities are conducted. These plants do not need additional climate adaptation and can be used as phytoremediators.

Conclusion. Phytoremediation is a modern, relatively simple and cheap way of land restoration. Hyperaccumulator plants are able to absorb specific elements, such as heavy metals and rare earth elements, which in contaminated soils should be sufficient for generations of plants for further purification. The task of ecologists who specialize in phytoremediation now is to obtain reliable soil analyzes from different territories of Ukraine and select hyperaccumulator plants that can grow actively and gradually clean the soil in the most efficient way without artificial irrigation conditions. 


1. Pichtel J., Distribution and fate of military explosives and propellants in soil: a review// Applied and Environmental Soil Science-2012:33;

2. Banerjee R., Goswami P., Lavania S., Mukherjee A., Lavania, U. C. Vetiver grass is a potential candidate for phytoremediation of iron ore mine spoil dumps//Ecological Engineering-2019.- 132.- P.120-136;

3. Ciarkowska K., Hanus-Fajerska E., Gambus, F., Muszynska E.,Czech T. Phytostabilization of Zn-Pb ore flotation tailings with Dianthus carthusianorum and Biscutella laevigata after amending with mineral fertilizers or sewage sludge//Journal of Environmental Management-2019.-189. P.75-83;

4. Huang J.W.W., Chen J.J., Berti W.R., Cunningham S.D. Phytoremediation of lead-contaminated soils: role of synthetic chelates in lead phytoextraction// Environmental Science and Technology-1997.-31:800–5;

5. Pollard J.A, Baker A.J.M. Deterrence of herbivory by zinc hyperaccumulation in Thlaspi caerulescens (Brassicaceae)// New Phytologist-1997. -35:655–58;

6. Krasovskyi S., Kovrov O., Klimkina I., Wiche O., Heilmeir H., The influence of heavy metals upon the growth on Wall barley (Hordeum murinum) and Japanese brome (Bromus japonicus)// Collection of research papers of national mining university of Ukraine-2022.-68 (17).-P.184-192;

7. Zvoryhin K., Krasovskyi S., Kovrov O. Study of the dependence of growth of Bromopsis inermis holub. From different watering and the amount of heavy metals in the soil//Collection of scientific publications of national university of shipbuilding-2022.-489(2).-P.89-95;

8. Krasovskyi S., Kovrov O. Influence of salts of heavy metals Pb and Cd on the vegetative indicators of Triticum aestivum//Technogenic and ecological safety-2022.-12(2).-P.32-36. 


Scientific supervisors:

Ковров Олександр Станіславович, д.т.н., професор кафедри екології та технологій захисту навколишнього середовища;

Клімкіна Ірина Іванівна, доцент кафедри екології та технологій захисту навколишнього середовища;

Хальмаєр Герман, д.б.н. професор кафедри хімії, Технічний Універиситет «Фрайберзька Гірнича Академія»

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