Ensuring a high level of education quality is the main task of reforming modern national education. Modern requirements for students of higher education require the implementation of fundamentally new approaches and tools, which are based on person-oriented and competence-based approaches to learning, taking into account the personal abilities of the student of education and require systematic developments, the creation of educational and methodological complexes, the development of modern methods and technologies of learning. In the era of the development of the information society, in which knowledge becomes the main capital and the main resource of the economy, education should be not only the leading condition for self-realization and self-actualization of the individual, enrichment of his creative potential, but also the most important factor in the socio-economic and spiritual elevation of the state, ensuring its competitiveness on the world arena.
Key words: higher medical education, internationalization, students of higher medical education, self-actualization of the individual
Education is a more important prerequisite for the existence and development of a person and society. The right of citizens of Ukraine to receive education is enshrined in the Constitution of the state (Article 53 of the Constitution of Ukraine). Historically, the social institute of education was formed due to the need of society to accumulate knowledge, skills and abilities, to create prerequisites for the transfer of this knowledge to the next generation to ensure social, economic and cultural progress. Education is not only the property of an individual member of the community, but is an inviolable state and social value [6]. In the modern world, education is a multi-functional social phenomenon that allows you to develop abilities and shape individual aspirations. Education combines educational and educational activities and is oriented towards the social, economic and cultural needs of society [4, 6].
Ensuring the sustainable development of the modern state by the level of collective intelligence of its citizens
Education is a structured system of educational and educational institutions of various levels that carry out the main processes of transfer, assimilation and processing of knowledge and social experience. The development of education is influenced by both national factors and processes of globalization and internationalization. These general civilizational trends are able to form new qualities in the field of higher education, which will allow adapting the best effective international experience to the needs of the national social and economic system and meeting the needs of every educated person [1, 3, 5].
Internationalization in the modern conception is a purposeful objective process of integration and convergence of educational systems into a single global educational environment based on international cooperation with the preservation and development of the main national strategies [2, 5]. This process is constantly stimulated by increasing competition in the market of educational services and requires national educational institutions to move in the direction of convergence and integration with the best educational institutions of other countries. Internationalization for higher educational institutions of Ukraine is not an end in itself and is the most effective mechanism for improving the quality of education. The processes of internationalization of the educational space should be implemented thanks to international exchanges of teachers and students, export of educational programs from one country to another, cooperation and joint research on improving the quality of teaching and unifying the educational process. Internationalization involves building relationships between countries, people, cultures, institutions, and systems, promotes the openness of national higher education systems to each other, value and institutional harmonization, and mutual adaptation [4, 6].
Internationalization is not only an objective, but also a managed meaningful purposeful process. That is why one of the main tasks for higher education institutions of Ukraine is a reasonable combination of the problem of building a policy of exporting educational services to the world market and teaching foreign students with the preservation and transmission of national educational experience. Globalization processes, which are taking place today in all spheres of human activity, should not lead to the leveling of national differences. The main goal of solving the problem of internationalization of education should be the integration process with the adaptation of the best foreign educational practices to the needs of the national economic system [2, 5, 6].
The war and the consequences of the pandemic became a significant challenge for the continuation of the processes of internationalization of national education
The coronavirus pandemic, which unexpectedly swept the world in 2019 and continues to keep humanity in a state of tension, fundamentally changed the lives of Ukrainians. Higher education has been the most affected by the pandemic on a global scale, but this area has turned out to be one of those that has quickly shifted to online work. The next powerful challenge for the functioning of the education system was the large-scale war unleashed in February 2022 by the Russian Federation on the territory of Ukraine. There was a vital need to quickly make non-standard decisions. The functioning of the education system in the conditions of martial law is characterized by an intensive search for new approaches to learning, innovative forms of organization of the educational process, effective pedagogical and information technologies.
The pandemic has already stopped the work of programs for the international exchange of student youth and university teaching staff, made it difficult for scientists to participate in international scientific and clinical research, negatively affected the opportunities to improve pedagogical and professional skills through participation in international and national congresses, congresses and conferences, and the war made these difficulties even more significant. Simultaneously with these problems, there was a need to make significant changes in the mechanism of state certification of students, organization of the work of university teachers. One of the effective methods of solving the problems and challenges of wartime and the pandemic should be to increase competitiveness by improving the quality of online education. The influence of modern changes on the educational process should be due to the introduction of new forms and new formats of virtual education, the development of anti-crisis measures in cooperation with international partners. It is necessary to conduct trainings and seminars for teachers in order to improve the skills of working on new information platforms. The formation of online communities of students and teachers to reduce pressure and overcome psychological stress due to a protracted full-scale war should also contribute to the improvement of the quality of education. These innovative and modern technologies will allow to improve the infrastructure of the university for teaching in the online format and ensure sufficient capacity of the educational process even in the conditions of the ongoing war and the consequences of the pandemic.
There is no doubt that this brutal war and pandemic will significantly change our usual world, but we must do everything possible to avoid the loss of national intellectual potential and raise the quality of education to the world level. Only the development and promotion of the national strategy of higher education, taking into account world experience, can increase the competitiveness of Ukrainian universities in the world educational market and meet the needs of the national and global labor market.
Conflict of interest: The authors report no conflict of interest.
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