ORCID: 0000-0003-4051-2011 (Liliia Zelenska)
ORCID: 0000-0001-8627-1220 (Svitlana Tymchenko)
The problem of innovative tеасhing technologies is one of the most urgent in the global pedagogical and scientific research practice. Nowadays, changes in higher educational establishments require constant study, scientific and practical issue substantiation of better experience of innovative educational activity; usage specifics of interactive forms of education in higher educational establishments etc.
In the foreign language training of future air traffic controllers (ATCs) we consider the concept of "teaching technology" in pedagogical and psychological aspects, namely as an interaction way of educational activity’s subjects with the provision of their comfortable conditions, in the process of which a systematic and well-constructed educational process guarantees the achievement of the set goal.
For the foreign language training of future ATCs, it is necessary to use technologies that activate cognitive activity, that is, the desire to think independently, to find one's own approach to solving a task or problem, the desire to acquire knowledge independently, to form a critical approach to the opinions of others and the independence of one's own thoughts. This requirement naturally leads to the use of interactive training methods and technologies in the educational process.
Technologies are called interactive, as they significantly change the role of the one who teaches (the role of the manager is instead of the informant role), and the role of those who is learnt (information is not a goal, but a means for mastering the actions and professional activity operations). There are many different approaches to the classification of interactive training technologies, but we prefer the views of the Ukrainian scientist O. Pometun, who promotes interactive training technologies. The essence of interactive training is that the educational process takes place under the conditions of constant, active interaction of those who study. This is co-training, mutual training (collective, group, cooperative training), where the learner and the teacher are equal, and they are equal subjects of training. The teacher acts as an organizer of the educational process, a group leader. The organization of interactive training involves modeling situations, using role-play games, and common problem solution. It contributes effectively to the formation of values, skills and abilities, the creation of cooperation atmosphere and interaction, and it gives the opportunity to the teacher to become a real leader [1, p. 7].
There are many varieties of interactive technologies in the methodological literature. The most common is the classification by O. Pometun and L. Pirozhenko. Four groups of interactive technologies are distinguished by them [2, p. 124 – 130] and used by us in the process of future ATCs’ Professional English language training:
1) technologies of cooperative training, which involve the interaction of all graduates and their joint work. This group of interactive technologies is used by us in every Professional English class. Using cooperative training, higher education graduates interact with each other, form in pairs, trios, and groups. This group of interactive technologies includes: "Pair Work", "Rotating (changeable) threes", "Two - four - all together", "Carousel", "Work in small groups", "Aquarium";
2) technologies of collective and group training, which are based on the joint work of the entire group. The methods of collective and group training enable the frontal work of all applicants for higher education, where everyone must be involved in solving of the assigned tasks. In particular, in the foreign language training of future ATCs, it is possible to use such types of collective-group training technology as "Microphone", "Discussion of the problem in the general circle", "Unfinished sentences", "Brainstorming", "Situation analysis" , "Problem Solving" etc.;
3) technologies of situational modeling, which are aimed at getting freedom by higher education graduates in self-determination, expressing thoughts, creating problem situations, developing of creativity. Higher education graduates choose what role they will play in the game, ways of the created problem situation development, and accordingly they take responsibility for its solution. In this case, the teacher acts only as an adviser, assistant. This type of interactive technologies includes the following methods: "Simulations or simulation games", "Role plays" etc. It is worth noting that we carry out Professional English language training by modeling the subject and social-psychological content of the future activity of ATCs. Under such conditions of the educational process organization, quasi-professional activity and foreign language speech activity are united by a common context. The goal of the higher education graduates’ activity is not to assimilate a certain amount of information, but development of abilities to perform future professional foreign language speech activity.
Effective forms of specific conditions’ modeling of ATCs activity is business and role-playing games, situational tasks (cases), modeling of communicative situations of professional interaction, modeling of situations for practicing clarification techniques etc. The cumulative effect of the mentioned forms creates conditions for the formation of procedural communicative and cognitive motivations for the future ATCs’ Professional English, which in turn, ensures a high level of their foreign language speech and communicative activity;
4) technologies for working out debatable issues, which involve public discussion of a certain controversial issue, taking up and defending one or another position. In the course of working out debatable issues, graduates express their own opinion regardless of what it is, justify it, give arguments regarding its correctness and accuracy, exchange their ideas with other participants etc. We notice that it is the discussion methods of teaching in foreign language training of future ATCs that help to understand and assimilate the educational material effectively. Higher education graduates take an active part in the discussion of the issue, which forces them to take their own position on the discussed issue, that is, they are not just passive listeners of the information communicated by the teacher or speaker. Discussion methods help to find the right answer collectively or solution during the discussion, to defend one's own point of view. They are aimed at a reasoned presentation of one's own thoughts, proving one's point of view, and logically constructing an answer.
In our research, we emphasized that an important factor in the effectiveness of the educational process in Professional English language training is the active involvement of applicants of higher education in quasi-professional activities with the aim of forming foreign language communicative competence. This means that foreign language educational material should be an effective means of subject-communication activity. On this basis, preference is given to such methods of work, which contain interesting information of a problematic nature, encourage higher education graduates to think. These methods cause the need to express them about what they have heard. We select and adapt methods that reflect various aspects of professional and communicative activity problems of aviation specialists, in particular ATCs. In the process of their implementation, graduates discuss the causes of conflict situations in their professional activities; analyze ways to overcome them, thereby simultaneously mastering the English language of their professional field and effective methods of professional communication. To achieve this goal, we use innovative interactive technologies [3, p.163-168].
Therefore, in the foreign language training of future ATCs, we use interactive teaching technologies as one of the effective techniques for improving the foreign language communicative competence of future specialists. Technologies of cooperative and collective-group training help higher education graduates immerse themselves in a specially created real atmosphere of foreign language communication. Technologies of situational modeling allow expanding and consolidating the knowledge obtained during theoretical training; to form foreign language communicative skills, namely: the ability to make decisions in specific situations based on the assessment of the situation, according to the available, often insufficient information; perform a variety of roles, from ATCs to airline managers etc. Technologies for processing debatable issues enable the formation of skills to effectively choose and use foreign language verbal means of communication according to a specific communicative situation; the ability to express one's opinion concisely and precisely etc. In this regard, innovative interactive teaching technologies are increasingly being used in the educational process of aviation higher educational establishments.
1. Interaktyvni tekhnolohii navchannia: teoriia, praktyka, dosvid. (2002) [Interactive Teaching Technologies: Theory, Practice, Experience]: metod. posib. avt. / uklad.: O. Pometun, L. Pyrozhenko. Kyiv: APN [in Ukrainian].
2. Interaktyvni tekhnolohii: teoriia ta metodyka [Interactive Technologies: Theory and Methods]. Retrieved from: https://dspace.udpu.edu.ua/bitstream/6789/377/1/interakt_tehn_teor_met.pdf (Last accessed: 11.11.2022) [in Ukrainian].
3. Zelenska, L. M., Tymchenkо, S. V. (2022) Pedahohichni tekhnolohii formuvannia inshomovnoi komunikatyvnoi kompetentnosti maibutnikh dyspetcheriv upravlinnia povitrianym rukhom: kontekstnyi pidkhid. [Teaching Technologies of Future Air Traffic Controllers Foreign Language Communicative Competence Formation: Context Approach]. Naukovyi visnyk Liotnoi akademii. Seriia: Pedahohichni nauky, 11, 163–168 [in Ukrainian].