It is difficult to imagine a modern city without green spaces. Green islands have always had great importance in people's lives. Green plantations in combination with the relief of the area, hydrological conditions and reservoirs, soils and climate play a decisive role in the formation of the cultural landscape of any settlement.
It is well known about the importance of greenery for residents of settlements during the formation of a microclimate and comfortable living conditions. Another factor of green spaces that is very important for people is its aesthetic benefits. The beauty of the landscape, the attractiveness of the settlement’s view is made up of the green areas in micro-districts and quarters, various parks and squares, strips of street landscaping, allotment gardens in the suburbs, as well as suburban forests. A well-greened city is always beautiful, comfortable and cozy. On the contrary, settlements with little greenery will look monotonous and even dead, despite a decent architectural appearance. Therefore, cities and other settlements should be generously landscaped.
Today there is considerable experience in greening and beautification of settlements, a rich assortment of plants and agricultural techniques for their cultivation have been selected, interesting methods of greening and ways of caring for green spaces have been accumulated. Groups of trees and shrubs, their shapes and colors combined with the shapes of buildings can create a harmonious composition with dynamic plastic effects. Greenery forms a lush background for buildings, complements and diversifies the silhouette of settlements, enriches the appearance of streets and buildings [1, 2].
As urban technologies develop, it becomes more and more obvious that the natural resources located in these areas are not enough to maintain the necessary balance between the artificial and natural components of the environment. That is why the landscape designer must constantly analyze the ecological situation of the environment, as well as follow new trends to improve the quality of life of people in the urban space [3, 4].
Green areas in settlements must perform the following functions:
• ecological;
• recreational;
• psychological and relaxation;
• aesthetic;
• cognitive;
• educational.
But the main ones are ecological and recreational. Therefore, green spaces should contribute to the emotional overload of a person.
Conclusions. The role and importance of green spaces in modern cities is very difficult to overestimate. After all, they don’t only clean the air, absorb harmful substances and protect people’s homes from dust and noise. They also enable a person to connect spiritually with nature.
Landscaping in the external landscaping system is greatly important:
• green spaces significantly reduce the presence of dust and aerosols in the air, play the role of a filter;
• green areas affect the formation of the microclimate, affect the thermal regime, humidity and the degree of air mobility;
• decorative plants create wide opportunities for architectural compositions and city planning;
• green areas are places for active and passive recreation of the population.
In general, landscaping is the main element of measures aimed at ensuring a full-fledged rest of residents from daily stress and bustle.
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