Introduction. Every year, the cost of irrigation water increases. Filtration losses from agricultural hydro-technical structures (HTS) lead to a decrease in the profit of interdistrict and regional water resources in general. Let's consider the estimated cost of repair and restoration works in the traditional way with the replacement of facing plates and anti-filtration film on the example of the regulating basin (RB) of the Kaliniv irrigation system (KIS) and the main channel (MC) of the Solonyan-Tomakiv irrigation system (STIS), calculated using the AVK software complex, amounts to 702.1 thousand hryvnias and 6420.9 thousand hryvnias, respectively [1].
Calculations show that no inter-district administration has the funds for a full cycle of repair and restoration works, and given the number of HTS subordinate to them, these works to improve the technical condition of RB and MK can stretch for tens of years. The authors suggest dividing the selected filtering zones into two groups. The first group is represented by areas where the processes of existing filtration are observed due to the deformed facing plates that slipped and the torn anti-filtration film. In such places, it is necessary to carry out a full cycle of repair and restoration works with the replacement of slabs and anti-filtration film. According to the conducted studies, such zones in RB and MK make up 30-50%. Thus, it will allow reducing the estimated cost of repair and restoration works by 50-70%. To eliminate losses in hidden filtration zones, where damage to plates and the anti-filtration film is not visually detected, two cheaper sets of methods for improving the technical condition of the gas station are proposed. At the first stage of each of the complexes, it is necessary to clean the deformation joints between the slabs where the anti-filtration film is damaged. After cleaning, the seams are covered with clay or heavy loam with polymer binders. This will reduce filtration through the deformation of joints between the slabs. According to our calculations, it amounts to UAH 212.98 thousand using the example of RB KIS. In order to reduce the filtration through the slopes in the second stage, physical-mechanical, chemical, or electrochemical soil compaction of the dams of the regulating basins and main channels is proposed. These methods are quite effectively used in construction on loess and clay soils. Methods of improving the properties of rocks are usually aimed at restoring their monolithic density, increasing strength and stability, and reducing the deformability of water permeability. They consist mainly of cementation, claying, and bituminization, and for temporary improvement and freezing [2-3].
Thus, on the example of the RB IS, it is envisaged to set up a filtration curtain along the damaged areas of the basin, with a total length of 86.3 m according to geophysical surveys. It is proposed to drill 22 wells with a diameter of 100 mm at a depth of 6 m, to the shaft, which injects the clay solution, this measure costs 319.9 thousand hryvnias [3]. And the second is less expensive - this current repair with the laying of expansion joints between the slabs and significant cracks with the subsequent laying of polymer binders, using the example of RB KIS, the estimated cost was UAH 212.98 thousand hryvnias. Restoring the technical condition of the HTS will lead to a reduction in filtration losses, and therefore to a more rational use of water resources. Calculations of filtration losses from RB KIS were made according to the formula of V. V. Vedernikov. Taking into account different filtration coefficients in accordance with the planned repair work: for a complete set of repair and restoration works - according to the data of the standard [4], for an anti-filtration curtain - according to [4], for ongoing repairs with the laying of expansion joints and significant cracks (table. 1). During the determination of the term of the volume of planned repair works of the HTS with a cost of 7 hryvnias/m3 of irrigation water according to the data of the Synelnyk district of the Pavlograd interdistrict water resources management.
Table 1 - Calculation of the employment of repair work at RB KIS by fast methods
According to the results of the calculations (Table 1), it was found that the complex work on the restoration of the HTS with the replacement of damaged plates and the anti-filtration film is the most expensive and has a design payback period of eight years. At the same time, filtration losses after its implementation will be minimized. The installation of an anti-filtration curtain and the implementation of current repairs with the laying of expansion joints are cheaper, and the payback period is four and three years, respectively.
Conclusions. Summarizing the considered methods, the following conclusions can be drawn. The most expensive is the method of complete repair work with the replacement of damaged plates and anti-filtration film. On the example of the regulating basin of the KІS and the main channel of the STІS, the estimated cost of repair works for the replacement of plates and the anti-filtration film was calculated, which amounted to 702.1 thousand hryvnias, respectively. Less expensive is soil injection stabilization with the help of an anti-filtration curtain, the estimated cost of which, based on the example of RB KІS, was UAH 319.9 thousand hryvnias. The lowest estimated cost is a complex of methods with the cleaning of deformation joints between slabs and significant cracks followed by the laying of binders with polymers, using the example of a regulating pool, the estimated cost was UAH 212.98 thousand hryvnias. The choice of methods and means to improve the level of technical operation of the HTS is justified by the technical and economic parameters of the proposed options.
1. Solution for anti-filtration curtain: pat. 102040 Ukraine, IPC E 02 V 3/16. No. u 2015 04103; statement 28.04.2015; published 12.10.2015, Bull. No. 19. URL:
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