Scientists note the trend of deterioration of students' health [2, 4], an increase in their number in a special medical group, an increase in the number of those students who were released from classes after a medical examination.
There is a shift in the balance of autonomic regulation of the cardiovascular system towards sympathetic action [1], a general tendency to decrease the functional capabilities of the cardiovascular system of students. The most common diseases of the cardiovascular system include vegetative-vascular dystonia of the hypertensive or hypotensive type [5].
Monitoring the functional state of the cardiovascular system of student youth is relevant due to the need to influence the negative state of affairs regarding the functioning of the cardiovascular system in young people.
To determine the reserve functional capabilities of the cardiovascular system, its functional state, the Robinson Index was used, which characterizes the systolic work of the heart and the nature of the regulation of the activity of the cardiovascular system.
168 students of Kharkiv National University named after H. S. Skovoroda of the Faculty of Preschool Education, Natural Sciences, Psychology and Sociology, Faculty of Art and Graphics aged 18-22 in 2018-2019.
Methods used to solve problems: physiometry, method of indices [3], statistical methods.
The work was carried out using simple measuring devices: tonometer, stopwatch according to standard methods [3, 5, 6]. All measurements were taken in the morning on an empty stomach or 2-3 hours after eating.
Robinson's index is determined using the formula where BP is taken into account - systolic blood pressure; Heart rate is the frequency of heart contractions per minute [3, 5, 6].
For the studied students, a low indicator of the Robinson index was available for 34%, an average harmonic level of regulation - for 36%, a very high level - for 4%. Parasympathetic regulation and a strong predominance of parasympathetic regulation is noted in 56% of the examined, sympathetic regulation and a strong predominance of the sympathetic system is present in 8%.
In the group of female students, pronounced parasympathetic and parasympathetic regulation according to the Robinson index was present for 58%, harmonious regulation for 36%, pronounced sympathetic and sympathetic regulation for 6%. For male students of age, expressed parasympathetic and parasympathetic regulation according to the Robinson index is present for 52%, harmonious - for 35%, expressed sympathetic and sympathetic regulation - for 13%. That is, there is a difference between girls and boys of the group with pronounced sympathetic and sympathetic regulation. Among the studied girls, this percentage is 7% less than that of boys. Accordingly, there are 6% more girls with pronounced parasympathetic and parasympathetic regulation than boys. Among male students, a greater share of those with a more active influence of the sympathetic nervous system, a pronounced effect of the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system is noted, which affects their body's functional capabilities, carries the risk of overstraining the cardiovascular system. They react more sensitively to various factors.
Thus, the obtained data make it possible to ascertain the presence of students with a sympathetic type of regulation, which may lead to serious problems in the future. In order to normalize the regulation of the cardiovascular system, there is a need for a high level of motor activity, a need for a wide spread of physical exercises, sports, and observance of the daily routine, to ensure a high level of physical development, health, and human activity. The results can be used to provide recommendations to students on lifestyle in order to prevent problems with the cardiovascular system.
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6. Kots S.M., Kots V.P., Kovalenko P.H. (2022) Funktsionalnyi stan sertsevo-sudynnoi systemy ditei molodshoho ta serednoho shkilnoho viku. Hraal nauky. №14-15. 2022. S. 248-255.
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