In the current requirements for foreign language training of students with a bachelor's degree in non-language institutions of higher education, there are growing demands for foreign language practical training of students [2, 3]. Strategic competence in spoken interaction is extremely important as it helps students to continue conversation flow even with their limited language resources. That is why an important issue is the organization and evaluation of the formation of future teachers of English-language strategic competence in the aspect of intercultural communication, especially in spoken interaction.
Yu.P. Gudima and R. Oxford noted that for most strategies the teacher can not directly trace, because their use is mental, such as associative strategies, when the language user uses mental images. The researcher also notes that in the process of learning the evaluation of the formation of indirect strategies is subjective, because it is almost impossible to follow the use of strategies such as metacognitive and affective, so the criteria should be applied mostly to evaluate communication strategies [1, 184]. In sum, assessing spoken interaction is a complex and complicated tasks due to the numerous variables that affect performance and score variability. Yu.P. Gudima taking into account the results of theoretical research and guided by the literature on assessing the level of foreign language strategic competence (R. Oxford, Canale, Swain) defines the following criteria for assessing the level of its formation in the process of learning spoken interaction: 1. self-observation and self-correction language ignorance; 2. recognition and distinction of direct and indirect strategies; 3. individual choice and application of the most effective strategies in the DS; 4. the relevance of the use of strategies to a particular situation to achieve the communicative goal of communication; 5. initiative of communicators with the help of communicative strategies; 6. variety of use of clichéd speech phrases for effective communication; 7. application of strategies during dialogues of different functional types [1, 178-179].
According to D.Tereshchuk [7] students’ oral language production can be evaluated on strategic level on the basis of the following: 1. Descriptor of fulfillment includes such measures as control of the organization of the content of utterances during communication, communicative goal achievement, aim-oriented conversation; 2. Descriptor of readiness signifies the connection and interdependence of utterance production from listening comprehension and therefore on strategic level incorporates understanding main content, confident and appropriate cues in the context of conversation, understanding conclusions and changes in style, support off language fluency, taking initiative; 3. Pronunciation descriptor on strategic level describes correlation of stresses and intonation with the context of conversation and their understandability; 4. Descriptor of usage includes correspondence of language usage to the context of communicative situation.
We also underline the importance of usage of self-assessment tables in the process of assessing the spoken interaction, which is considered as a means of self-control of the level of mastery of strategic competence. A self-assessment table is designed to stimulate who learns to reflect on the process. It aims to encourage students to broaden their knowledge; increase motivation to language learning; develop students' autonomy through the development of skills of reflection, self-evaluation and planning of their own independent activities [4, 5, 6].
In sum, assessing strategic competence in oral interaction has been an extremely important problem and studying and creating specific tasks for assessment and developing tools of evaluating strategic competence in oral interaction and interaction activities are for further educational research.
1. Гудима Ю. П. (2018). Формування у майбутніх учителів англійської мови навчально-стратегічної компетентності в діалогічному мовленні. Дис. на здобуття наук. ступеня канд. пед. наук: 13.00.02. Київ. нац. лінгв. ун-т. К.,. 171 с.
2. Конотоп О.С. (2020). Вимоги до іншомовної практичної підготовки майбутніх учителів початкової школи в умовах євроінтеграції. Інноваційна педагогіка. № 8. С. 57-61.
3. Конотоп О.С. (2021). Щодо проблеми оцінювання іншомовної навчально-стратегічної компетентності майбутніх учителів початкової школи. Модернізація освіти як важливий чинник розвитку суспільства: матеріали Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції (Дніпро, 22 листопада 2021 р). Дніпро. С. 37-39.
4. Konotop O. (2021). The Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire as an Effective Instrumental Tool To Measure Students’ Learning Strategies. Актуальні питання сучасних педагогічних та психологічних наук: Збірник наукових робіт учасників міжнародної науково-практичної конференції (19–20 лютого 2021 р., м. Одеса). Одеса: ГО «Південна фундація педагогіки».174-177.
5. Konotop O.S. (2022). To The Problem of Assessing Future Primary School Teachers’ Strategic Competence. Scientific Collection «InterConf» «Scientific Community: Interdisciplinary Research» (January 26-28, 2022). Hamburg, Germany: Busse Verlag GmbH, Р. 221-223.
6. Konotop Olena S.(2022). THE IMPORTANCE OF DEVELOPING FUTURE PRIMARY SCHOOL TEACHERS’ STRATEGIC COMPETENCE. Scientific Collection «InterConf», (100): with the Proceedings of the 6th International Scientific and Practical Conference «Global and Regional Aspects of Sustainable Development» (February 26-28, 2022). Copenhagen, Denmark: Berlitz Forlag, 161-163.
7. Tereshchuk, D. (2009). Assessing Students’ Strategic Competence in Speaking English . Ukraine: National Pedagogical University.