Seminars, lectures and other forms of learning suddenly had to be transferred to digital format. All students suddenly became "part-time students" who independently master the knowledge, and control of what is learned occurs during the sessions. In this situation, however, instead of sessions - online classes in ZOOM, Google-meet or Skype, sending photos of completed tasks in Viber, testing on the MOODLE platform, consultations via Telegram. Can this be called full-fledged "distance learning"? Rather, it is training with the use of online technologies. Science speaks in this case of emergency distance learning, in contrast to long-term planned digital learning. The digital spring-summer semester immediately set new tasks for students and teachers.
The pandemic and lockdown have changed not only our daily lives, but also our professional activities. This time was another step towards gaining experience in teaching foreign languages, in this case, in distance learning. In a relatively short time it was necessary to rebuild from the model of classes in the classroom to classes in the so-called virtual space.
Distance learning became popular in the Western world in the late 20th century. Now distance learning is spreading in our country as well. Of course, if it weren't for the pandemic, the transition to digital learning might take several years. We had to master it for two or three weeks. Like any other form of training, it has its supporters and opponents. It is worth noting that even those who do not agree with the idea that teaching a foreign language is quite successful and not in direct contact with students, see positive moments in this process.
Learning a foreign language in distance learning is a new reality for both teachers and students. Many of the teachers were not ready for this. Someone had to master the basics of remote work in just a few days: to understand and connect the platform on which the school will work during quarantine, to master the skills of working with text editors, learn to connect various additional devices to your computer for recording video classes, voice messages, online conferences. And most importantly, in addition to the technical side of the classes you need to prepare training material [2].
The teacher must provide the material in such a form and content that the student can understand it, because distance learning is an educational process that requires that most of the learning material is developed independently. It should be remembered that the student must be able to "access" the teacher at almost any time, and the teacher must be able to provide assistance.
Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for a teacher to be unwilling to effectively integrate himself into the new learning process. For students, the generation that grew up in the age of information technology, boring long time to listen to the teacher and perform exercises, whether online or offline. The teacher must find those forms and methods of working with the audience that can arouse the interest of students, the need for participation in mastering the material.
The main thing in arousing interest in the process of distance learning of foreign languages is the introduction of modern technologies. To do this, you need to analyze different types of information technology, determine their effectiveness and select those that are most suitable for remote work. All this requires creative activity on the part of the teacher. It should be noted that one of the components of a teacher's professional competence is information and communication competence, which shows the level of the teacher's mastery of modern technologies and the ability to use them in the educational process [3].
Our life today is characterized by mobility. Mobility in learning foreign languages is also very important. In modern conditions of communication, the process of teaching foreign languages can not change. Distance learning forms are universal in nature, they allow you to use any techniques and methods of teaching. It is safe to say that the education system in the future will be characterized by the rapid development and implementation of distance education technologies. Foreign language teachers face difficulties in selecting the content of foreign language teaching, methodological training of teachers themselves to work remotely, as well as modeling the learning process online.
Before talking about the content of education, it should be emphasized that distance educational technologies are educational technologies that are based on the use of information and telecommunications networks during the work of teachers and students at a distance (distance). The content of training depends on the objectives of the study and the specifics of the subject "Foreign Language". The main content of language learning is learning different types of speech activities. The purpose of learning a foreign language is the formation of foreign language communicative competence.
Of course, distance learning will not be able to completely replace the traditional education system, but it can be an effective complement to traditional methods of work. Optimal in this case would be the use of a mixed model of foreign language teaching. Students get acquainted with new educational material on their own, and in practical foreign language classes the acquired knowledge and skills are consolidated in the classroom, unclear points are explained, discussions are held, creative tasks that require collective discussion are performed.
In the conditions of lockdown classroom classes are conducted online. Video conferencing, chats, forums, seminars, business games, round tables and other forms of training conducted through telecommunications and other Internet opportunities, increase student motivation, increase the volume of speech activities and expand the scope of communication in a foreign language. When learning different types of speech activities and the formation of relevant skills, each student must be given the opportunity to maximize practice in this activity. Distance learning is able to solve this problem, because each student, working at his computer, must perform all tasks, and he has the opportunity to choose their pace of work according to their abilities [1].
The information provided by Internet resources is authentic. Students are interested in reading and analyzing articles by native speakers about the latest events in the world of sports, culture, politics, as well as movies, videos, clips. With the help of modern communication technologies in the process of distance learning solves the problem of oral practice. It is possible to increase the volume of speech communication with the help of various platforms (ZOOM, Google-meet, Skype). We should not forget that online classes provide more opportunities to develop listening skills. One of the best options to supplement your vocabulary with modern colloquial expressions of a foreign language is to watch movies. Writing skills in online classes can be practiced in different ways depending on the goals. This can be writing essays, written messages, business letters on various topics.
It is a mistake to believe that distance learning excludes the interaction of participants in the educational process. By the way, it allows to take into account the capabilities of each participant during the discussion in groups both at the stage of introduction and consolidation of new material, and at the stage of implementation of tasks for its activation and control. An important role is played by the right educational portal or quality feedback using messengers. The success of distance learning largely depends on the teacher's ability to communicate with students online, as well as on students' ability to communicate with the teacher and with each other. It is necessary to follow the basic rules of speech, business and pedagogical etiquette and the so-called Internet etiquette.
Speaking of distance learning, it is impossible not to touch on the advantages and disadvantages of this format of learning. The advantages of this format include accessibility (you can get knowledge from anywhere, the main thing is to have any of the media with Internet connection), flexibility (in the process of distance learning most of the material the student learns independently, so he has time to study can choose himself). Of course, distance learning provides a unique opportunity to choose the pace of work when the student develops the rhythm of their activities. Unfortunately, there are disadvantages to distance learning. The first and most important is the lack of personal communication with classmates and teachers. This includes the lack of constant control by the teacher, which can contribute to the desire to relax and postpone work (distance learning requires strict self-discipline from the student). The process of successful distance learning depends on the technical means and capabilities: computer serviceability, smooth operation of the grid and a good Internet connection [2].
Despite the difficulties and shortcomings, distance learning has an important advantage: it erases spatial barriers, gives the opportunity to communicate with foreign speakers from different countries. Students learn tolerance, willingness to seek a compromise solution and respect other people's opinions, expand their communicative sphere.
From the above it follows that distance learning, as part of the general education system, has all its components: goals, content, principles, forms and means of learning. It is focused on the successful implementation of the educational process. The teacher must manage and regulate the learning activities of students. Distance learning makes new demands on teachers, including improving professionalism, increasing the level of professional competence, mastery of modern technologies, the ability to use them in the educational process.
1. Владимирова Л. Дистанционное обучение иностранным языкам. Saarbrücken, Deutschland: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 2017. 57 с. URL: (дата звернення: 26.02.2021).
2. Григоренко С.Е., Сагалаева И.В., Фисунова Н.В. Online-занятие как одна из форм дистанционного обучения иностранному языку в вузе. Современные проблемы науки и образования. 2018. № 5.URL: ru/article/view?id=28088 (дата обращения: 26.02.2021).
3. Плюсы и минусы дистанционного обучения. URL: (дата обращения: 26.02.2021).