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26.05.2021 21:17
Автор: Stetsenko Volodymyr, PhD, HEI of Ucoopspilka "Poltava University of Economics and Trade"
[Секція 2. Менеджмент. Маркетинг;]

The specifics of the modern higher education institution allows us to consider the activities of the university as a stakeholder organization - a system consisting of many different stakeholder groups. The purpose of the university as a stakeholder organization is to meet the demands of all its stakeholders, while the goals of the system (university) are not reduced to the goals of any of its subsystems (stakeholders) [1]. But satisfying the requests of all stakeholders is equally impossible, due to conflicting requests and limited resources of the university. In this regard, stakeholders (and their requests) have different significance for the university depending on their "contribution" to the resource base needed to achieve its strategic goals. The fundamental difference between the university as a stakeholder organization and other market participants in goods and services is their different purpose [2]. If the purpose of higher education as a stakeholder organization is to meet the diverse needs of stakeholders, the objective function of stakeholder companies, enterprises is to maximize the financial result, and the interests of stakeholders are some limitation of this objective function.

The analysis of organizational and legal forms of the university allowed to formulate the general principles of the university as a stakeholder organization and the principles on the basis of which the relationship of the educational institution with its stakeholders.

The general principles of the university as a stakeholder organization are:

Principle 1. Respect for the law. The university as a stakeholder organization builds its activities on the basis of compliance with the charter of the educational institution, the laws of Ukraine, as well as international agreements governing the activities of higher education institutions.

Principle 2. Compliance with public interests. The university as a stakeholder organization, being a structural element of the state, seeks to train the national elite of the XXI century and generate new knowledge in the interests of sustainable social development.

Principle 3. Responsibility of the university to stakeholders. The university as a stakeholder organization implements its mission in the interests of all its stakeholders, increasing the effectiveness of mutually beneficial cooperation. The university seeks to take into account the interests of all stakeholders: the state and society, customers, employees, business community, external partners and more. In order to realize the public interest and fulfill the main mission, the university should be open to dialogue, exchange of information and interaction with all stakeholders.

Principle 4. Democratic governance. The university's relationship as a stakeholder organization with all stakeholders is based on the principles of mutual respect, trust and cooperation.

Principle 5. The principle of self-control. The university, as a stakeholder organization, in order to maintain stable long-term mutually beneficial relations with stakeholders, must provide internal control of its activities to identify "gaps" that hinder the implementation of goals.

Principle 6. Competitiveness. Working in the business education market, the university as a stakeholder organization seeks to make a worthy contribution to the formation of the country's competitiveness, which becomes more realistic in its efforts to increase its own competitiveness.

Principle 7. Support for international cooperation. As a stakeholder organization, the university develops mutually beneficial multilateral cooperation with world business education leaders, giving priority to participation in leading national, European and global associations covering the levels of business schools and individual educational programs, as well as professional communities of researchers and teachers of specific disciplines.

Principle 8. Profitability of activity. This principle is indirectly related to the activities of the university as a stakeholder organization, as the main purpose of the university is to meet public interests. However, to provide high quality educational services in a significant deficit of budget funds, the university carries out business activities, the financial result of which is usually aimed at the development and improvement of the educational process and all educational activities.

The relationship of the university as a stakeholder organization with all stakeholders is based on certain principles inherent in each individual group of stakeholders.

1. Principles of the university's relations with the Business Community group. The university as a stakeholder organization shares the value of a long-term relationship with the "business community" as the main consumer of trained graduates. Accordingly, the university considers itself responsible for:

- together with leading representatives of the "business community" to form the image of an effective and socially responsible future specialist who meets the requirements of global business of the XXI century;

- to conduct research and implement consulting projects aimed at generating new relevant ideas;

- treat the representatives of the "business community" with respect and trust in all aspects of business interactions, provide stable feedback and work to correct identified shortcomings.

2. Principles of relations of the university with the group "Employees". The university as a stakeholder organization respects the human dignity of each employee and takes his interests seriously. Accordingly, the university considers itself responsible for:

- encourage and support employees in the development of their professional knowledge, skills and competencies;

- provide work, material and social remuneration for its performance, which increases the level of welfare of employees;

- create decent working conditions;

- provide employees with open access to information, given the administrative, legal and competitive restrictions;

- listen to suggestions, ideas, requirements and complaints of employees and encourage their initiative;

- avoid discriminatory policies and guarantee equal treatment and equal opportunities regardless of gender, age, nationality and religion.

3. Principles of relations of the university with the group "Clients". The university as a stakeholder organization respects the human dignity of all clients of the university, who study in all educational programs, refresher courses and training, striving to meet their rational expectations. Accordingly, the university considers itself responsible for:

- provide high quality educational services that provide graduates with high competitiveness in the regional, domestic and international labor markets;

- provide safe and comfortable learning conditions;

- avoid discriminatory practices and guarantee equal treatment and equal opportunities regardless of gender, age, nationality and religion;

- provide social guarantees and equal access to participation in various scholarship programs, grants and research;

- to promote the future careers of graduates, giving them the opportunity to effectively enter the "business community" through special programs implemented on a competitive basis.

4. Principles of relations of the university with the group "State and Society". The university as a stakeholder organization respects the role of state institutions. Accordingly, the university considers itself responsible for

- to promote the successful implementation of state policy and specific national projects in the field of development of Ukrainian business education;

- provide state and municipal authorities with qualified graduates;

- provide the controlling state bodies with open access to relevant information, which may be limited only by the requirements of the law;

- to link their educational and research activities with the economic, social and environmental needs of the region and the state;

- to promote the participation of employees and students in public activities.

5. Principles of the university's relations with the group "External partners (future entrants)". The university, as a stakeholder organization, respects the human dignity of all those who wish to study in all educational programs. Accordingly, the university considers itself responsible for:

- provide equal conditions for admission to the educational institution in accordance with the requirements of the state standard;

- provide "external partners" with complete, objective and reliable information about their activities, areas of training, conditions of admission and training, competitions and Olympiads, as a result of which they will have the right to preferential admission to universities;

- follow a customer-oriented approach in working with applicants;

- properly organize career guidance activities.


1. Belyy Ye. M.Concept of the competitiveness for the university based on the theory of stakeholders / Ye. M. Belyy.– 2011. – URL : file:///C:/Users/Max/Desktop/Семінар/Відпрацьоване/kontseptsiya-konkurentosposobnosti-vuza-na-osnove-teorii-zainteresovannyh-storon.pdf 

2. Nashchekina O. N. The application of the stakeholders theory in the analysis of higher educational institutions activities / O. N. Nashchekina.– 2011. – URL : file:///C:/Users/Max/Desktop/Семінар/Відпрацьоване/vestnik_HPI_2011_61_Nashchekina_O_primenenii.pdf 

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