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20 лютого 2025

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14.02.2020 15:56
Автор: Dumik Natalia Anatolievna, National centre of science Institute of agrarian economy, the city of Kiev
[Секція 2. Менеджмент. Маркетинг;]

As a whole, theoretical approaches to definition of efficiency of innovations in human resource management can be divided to two classification signs. First, as counted efficiency: economic efficiency; social efficiency. Economic efficiency of innovations in human resource management is estimated as productive change of financial indicators of activity of the company, expected or an event after innovation introduction in human resource management. Social efficiency of innovations in human resource management is considered from the point of view of an estimation of possibility of achievement positive and elimination of negative changes in the organisation, and also achievement of any purposes which have been not directed on change of cost indexes [1].

Secondly, can be allocated two approaches to an estimation of efficiency of innovations in human resource management: efficiency of innovations can be measured in human resource management as a gain of efficiency of all control system by the personnel or its separate subsystems; efficiency of an innovation is defined by influence of introduction of an innovation on concrete, in advance certain indicators of success of the organisation.

At the first approach efficiency of an innovation in human resource management pays off as a difference between the concrete indicators calculated for the purpose of an estimation of system effectiveness of the personnel for accounting dates before introduction of a concrete innovation. The quantity of methods of calculation of efficiency of an innovation in human resource management in this case is great enough, as is derivative of a great number of methods of an estimation of a control system of the personnel and its separate subsystems. At the second approach achievement by the organisation is meant efficiency of an innovation put before it strategic and tactical targets - both at level of all organisation, and at level of divisions [2].

Ways of an estimation of efficiency of innovations in the human resource management, the changes of separate indicators of system effectiveness of human resource management based on calculation as a whole, bear in themselves the same lacks, as ways of an estimation of system effectiveness of the human resource management, derivative from which they are [3].

Innovations in human resource management - a kind of administrative innovations that means their close connection with the social environment and necessity of the account синергетического effect at an estimation of results of introduction of such innovations. Two basic concepts положенны in a basis of an estimation of management efficiency the personnel and meeting in publications in the field: management efficiency is estimated by the personnel from the point of view of unity of managerial processes and manufacture; the contribution of directly human resource management to production efficiency, according to participants of poll, cannot be measured and is not measured; management efficiency is estimated by the personnel as definition of the contribution of human resource management in total efficiency of activity of the organisation. The quantitative estimation of such contribution is complicated, as accounting indicators are not developed, with its which help it would be possible to measure regularly. 

The list of the used literature:

1. Inequality in Human Development: An Empirical Assessment of 32 Countries / M. Grimm, K. Harttgen, S. Klasen [et al.]. Social Indicators Research. 2010. Vol. 97. Is. 2. P. 191-211.

2. Jiménez‐Jiménez D., Sanz‐Valle R. Innovation and human resource management fit: an empirical study. International Journal of Manpower. 2005. Vol. 26. Is. 4. P. 364-381.

3. Suhrcke M., Rocco L., McKee M. Health: A Vital Investment for Economic Development in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. WHO European Office for Investment for Health and Development, European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies. Trowbridge: Cromwell Press, 2007. 280 p.

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