Adaptation to the external environment is realized through the formation of adaptation processes at the enterprise. Adaptive processes mean focused coordination of organizational, industrial and managerial relations at the enterprise in order to adapt them to changing operating conditions. Noteworthy definition adaptation of the enterprise as a process of establishing a dynamic stable balance between the external and internal environments of the enterprise, based on the ability to quickly adapt to changes in the environment or to influence its formation in time in order to regulate the external influence on the enterprise. The table provides an overview of the concept of "adaptation" of various scientific sources.
In deciding to diversify the activities of a machine-building enterprise, it is necessary to determine the ways of its implementation, that is, to select an appropriate diversification strategy. Here it is appropriate to name the following key strategies of diversification: the strategy of joining a new industry; diversification strategy in non-related industries; the curtailment and liquidation strategy; strategy of restructurization, restoration and economy; multinational diversification strategy. [5].
The ability to adapt should be understood as the ability to flexibly change the organizational, production, and management system of the enterprise in accordance with changing environment.
Therefore, it is possible observe about the adaptive potential of the enterprise, which represents not only the ability of the enterprise to perceive changes in the environment, but also the availability of financial and material resources and the appropriate organizational and managerial means by which the adaptation of the enterprise is carried out [2].
Ensuring the process of adaptation of the domestic industry and its output from the economic crisis of recent years is inextricably linked with the possibility to implement manufactured products in market conditions [6].
For now domestic machine-building enterprises in the domestic market operate in a changing competitive environment, the characteristic feature of which is precisely the process of competition. In order to preserve sustainable development, the company must constantly identify any changes taking place in a market environment and successfully adapt to them in order to maintain competitiveness. One of the ways of solving problems of achieving the level of international standards for an enterprise is to ensure its steady competitive advantage. Each enterprise, organizing and developing production and marketing activities, must always take into account the factors associated with changes in the external and internal competitive environment for it.
The research of the essence of the concept of "adaptation" makes an important contribution to the understanding of adaptation. One can understand the adaptation of industrial enterprises as a flexible process of adapting to constant changes from the outside on the basis of sustained support for internal changes aimed at supporting the competitiveness of the enterprise.
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5. Петрович Й.М. Основні аспекти адаптації машинобудівних підприємств до змін зовнішнього середовища в умовах ринкових трансформацій /Петрович Й.М.Основні_аспекти_адаптації_машинобудівних_підприємств_до_змін_зовнішнього_середовища_в_умовах_ринкови/2.htm Петрович, 2009. - С. 120-124.
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