In the conditions of the market transformation of the national economy, a high-quality management in general, personnel management in particular, the main component of which is the personnel policy of the enterprise, is a decisive factor in the stable and effective development.
Activity in the conditions of competition, risk, economic independence requires from the trade enterprises more and more attention to the issues of the formation of personnel policy, since it depends on the reproduction of manpower, financial results of the enterprise as a whole. Personnel policy is the basis of effective activity of the enterprise, the main reserve for increasing its profitability and competitiveness. The slogan "cadres solves everything" in modern conditions is not only relevant, but also necessary for the competitive state and development of trade enterprises.
Ukrainian scientists V.V. Bliznyuk, D.P. Goddess, O. A. Grishnov, A.V. Krushelnytska, L.S. Lisogor, D. P. Melnychuk, I. L. Petrova and many others consider the problems of forming an effective personnel policies and ways to improve it at enterprises of different industries and forms of ownership. In spite of the above, there is a wide range of issues for studying market aspects of personnel policy formation at Ukrainian trade enterprises.
Ukrainian scientists O. V. Krushelnytska and D. P. Melnychuk consider: "Personnel policy is a set of principles, methods, forms of organizational mechanism for the formation, reproduction, development and use of personnel, creation of optimal working conditions, its motivation and stimulation" [1 , with. 144]. E. V. Maslov defines personnel policy as "the main direction in working with personnel, a set of principles implemented by the personnel service of the enterprise" [1, p. 144]. According to A. A. Sahakyan, "... personnel policy - a system of goals, principles and forms, methods and criteria for working with personnel, and this situation extends to the whole staff employed, within which is carried out management" [1, p. 145].
Taking into account the aforementioned, the personnel policy of an enterprise can be defined as a system of goals, principles, ideas, requirements, defining the main directions of work with personnel, its traditional and non-traditional forms and methods.
Personnel policy of enterprises of trade defines the strategic direction of work with personnel, general and specific requirements to them, and is developed by the owners of enterprises or their authorized bodies [2, c. 77].
The main goal of personnel policy is to ensure timely optimal balance of selection processes, personnel retention, development in accordance with the needs of the enterprise, requirements of the current legislation and labor market conditions.
The objectives of the personnel policy are determined with the aim of improving labor processes and ensuring the efficiency of the operation of the trading company.
The main components of the personnel policy of the enterprises of trade in modern conditions can be considered: the recruitment policy; education policy; wage policy; policy of staffing procedures; policy of social relations.
The realization of the strategic goal of the activity of enterprises of trade, which is to achieve optimal quantitative and qualitative indicators, requires the orientation of their personnel policy on the following principles: justice; sequence; compliance with labor legislation; equality; absence of discrimination on the basis of age, sex, religion; scholarship; complexity; systematic; efficiency.
In our opinion, the improvement of personnel policy in the context of effective development of trade enterprises in the current conditions should be carried out in the following areas [3]: 1) professional training of workers in trade knowledge, skills and abilities in vocational schools, higher education institutions and directly in the enterprise; 2) ensuring the competitive basis, objectivity, transparency and transparency in the recruitment process; 3) improvement of personnel services; 4) formation of an effective motivational mechanism aimed at the implementation of quantitative and qualitative indicators of the activity of enterprises of trade; 5) the introduction of traditional and non-traditional forms and systems of remuneration, which fully take into account the results of labor as an individual employee and enterprise as a whole; 6) formation of the optimal emotional and psychological microclimate in the team; 7) ensuring the utilization of the abilities and interests of employees, their educational and professional potential for introduction in the activity of enterprises of trade of new technologies for the sale of goods, improving the culture of trade, the registration of trading rooms.
Thus, personnel policy in the context of the effective development of trade enterprises in modern conditions contributes to the achievement of high quantitative and qualitative indicators of the individual employee and the enterprise as a whole.
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