In today's economic environment, information is becoming increasingly important for the effective operation of enterprises. When creating and implementing a product or service, the company must establish a link with its market segment, provide an efficient system for exchanging information with customers, intermediaries, partners and other contact groups. To this end, the complex of marketing communications is used, which provides the connection of the enterprise with the external and internal environment. An important factor contributing to the strengthening of the role of marketing communications, and hence management of them, is the fact that various elements are used against the backdrop of changing social, economic and competitive forces. Today, communicative enterprise management is the most important part of marketing management in general.
Communication policy refers to a set of measures designed to give target audiences an idea of the company's overall marketing strategy by sending them special messages about the product, its price, ways of selling them in order to attract their interest or persuade them to accept a certain point of view. The communication policy at the firm should follow from the general marketing plan.
Marketing policy of communications at enterprises consists of the following main means of influence on a clearly defined market or a specific part of it:
- advertising;
- sales promotion;
- popularization;
- participation in exhibitions:
- formation of public opinion;
- business correspondence;
- direct mail advertising and Internet.
The objectives of marketing communications stem directly from the analysis of possible problems and opportunities
Communication goals can be planned using models of results hierarchy, which will serve as the basis for determining the degree of impact of the plan being developed by consumers. The goals of marketing communications usually fall into one of the following five categories:
1) awareness raising,
2) achieving understanding
3) ensuring changes in the attitude to the product and in its perception,
4) achievement of changes in the behavior of consumers,
5) reinforcement of previous decisions.
The main tasks of marketing communications are:
1. Information - the market message about a novelty or about the new application of the existing product, information on price changes, explanation of the principles of the product, description of services, correction of misleading representations or dissipation of consumer concerns, the formation of the image of the company / product / brand.
2. Concurrence - the formation of preferences to the brand / product / company, encouragement to switch to another brand, change in consumer perception of the properties of the product, persuasion of the consumer without delaying the purchase, the belief of the consumer to accept a sales agent.
3. Reminders (prevails at maturity to force consumers to remember the product) - remind consumers that goods may need them in the near future, reminding consumers of where to buy goods, keeping goods in the minds of consumers during periods off season, support for top-level product awareness.
Analysis of the system of marketing communications has shown that the enterprise uses the linear functional structure of marketing communications management. The decision-making center for such a structure is the general director (or the person who replaces it). All information flows converge with the director of the enterprise. The analysis of marketing information and decision making is carried out at the meetings of the director, and the general director reserves the right to individual decision-making. Sources of marketing information at the enterprise are also the supply department and sales department. All information flows are not coordinated. As a result, marketing decisions, including decisions on marketing communications policy, are taken personally by the general director. The system of goal setting at the strategic level is absent. All goals in the field of marketing communications are operational and put without the formalization of the expected effect. The department of advertising and marketing is not connected with information streams. Therefore, the marketing department can not provide any informational and methodological support in the questions of forming the goals and feedback of the advertising department.
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Scientific supervisor: Kuklin Oleg Vladimirovich is a professor of economics, Cherkasy State Business College