The social well-being and constant development of the country is closely connected with the growth of knowledge - intensive industries. Nowadays we can see that many jobs require a highly qualified and motivated specialist. Education is always considered to be one of the main investment into human capital – the factor of production. There exists a view that the bigger investment you make into your education, the bigger returns you get – the better and well paid job you have. [1] The importance of knowledge and the learning has been recognized since the beginning of time. Plato wrote: “If a man neglects education, he walks lame to the end of his life.” But it was really the Nobel winning economists who put the argument of education as investment. T.W Schultz argued that investment in education explains growth and Gary Becker gave us the Human Capital Theory [3]. The scientists highlight the three main theories about how education influences economic performance: 1. The basic human capital approach is that education improves the overall skills and abilities of the workforce, leading to greater productivity and improved ability to use existing technology, and thus contributing to economic growth. 2. The innovation approach links education to improving the capacity of the economy to develop of new ideas and technologies. 3. An extension of this is the knowledge transfer approach, which sees education as a means of spreading the knowledge needed to apply new ideas and make use of the new technologies [2].
Higher education is a key element of developing innovation. The educational innovations and their implementations define the future of the education as the social institute. The quality of education is the basis for society democracy and state mechanism improvement. Thus, Ukraine is to take into account the principles and the requirements of the global economy, the achievements in information and communication technologies and intellectual capacity. [4]
Human being development is the main function of the education. He has to be offered the best facilities and opportunities for his personal skills development and ability to be well adapted to the conditions of social economic and scientific progress. Innovative development is the interaction of science and society. Every person wants to reach the highest goals in his education and future jobs. He accumulates knowledge and experience and implement them in practice for the benefit of the country economic progress. The pattern of the social and economic development influences the constant growth requirements for education. The country maintain its development through the innovative education.
1.Daiva Dumciuvienea The Impact Of Education Policy To Country Economic Development//A University of Technology, 55, Kaunas LT-4439, WCES 2014, Lithuania
2.David Earle. 2010 Association for Tertiary Education Management Conference Earle, David Series: Tertiary education occasional paper (New Zealand. Ministry of Education); no. 2010/08 Wellington, New Zealand: MOE, 2010
3.Psacharopoulos, George; Patrinos, Harry Anthony. 2018. Returns to investment in education : a decennial review of the global literature (English). Policy Research working paper; no. WPS 8402. Washington, D.C. : World Bank Group.
4.Лавриненко Л.М. Освіта як чинник соціально-економічного розвитку держави Формування ефективної моделі розвитку підприємства в умовах ринкової економіки: тези V Міжнародної науково-практ. Конференції (2-3 листопада 2017 р. Житомир), с.143- 152