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29.11.2017 19:34
Автор: Diachenko Olena PhD, Sumy National Agrarian University
[Секція 8. Світова економіка та міжнародні відносини;]

Climate change, the exhaustion of natural resources, the impact of these phenomena on the economy, politics and other aspects of life are becoming the focus of our attention increasingly.The society began to realize important problems facing it: the ecological crisis, ethno-conflicts, problems of terrorism and migration. And the causes of that lie much deeper than questions of market economy only. Obviously, the search for answers to these and many other questions leads to the formation of interdisciplinary approaches to understanding the situation. So in due time the sciences of bioeconomics, ecobiopolitics were born, as those that try to unite the various sides of current problems, to find the key to their resolution and prevention, to find new meanings of human existence that are compatible with modern trends of demographic growth, depletion of planet resources, the necessity of human survival in general.

Ecobiopolitics gives us new worldview guidelines. Many of purely economic or political problems are emerging from its positions in a new light. According to experts, the main challenges of our era will not be only resource saving, but also the reduction of the adverse impact of the economy on the environment.

The key categories of biopolitics include bios (social life) and  zoe (biological life). Since ancient times only bios has been included in the political sphere.  In modern times, zoe also becomes part of politics. It is then the epoch of biopolitics comes.

There are many definitions of biopolitics, but we suggest to use a definition dictated by modern trends and needs:

Ecobiopolitics is the concept of the development of a society in which the interests of preserving the environment, biological diversity (flora, fauna, humanity), unrestricted natural resources are prevailing over economic and national ones. This concept is supranational, its provisions are important and compulsory for all countries, including those which are not involved in solving a particular conflict or problem, but the mechanisms for implementing the concept are close to bioregionalism - the consumption of local products, the cultivation of native plants. 

How is the relationship formed? Man as a social being have a specie-specific features such as *high aggression, *predatory behaviour, etc. This provokes (directly or indirectly, quickly or over time) the following consequences: - development of lands, territories, - development of mineral resources, - wars of conquest, - the struggle for resources, - ethnic / religious / national conflicts.

But since mankind possesses a unique feature of the human society -culture - be able to curb aggressiveness in an overcrowded planet. Biopolitics as a worldview alone with  bioeconomic structure of society is based not on competition, but on cooperation and altruism. 

Practical problems solved by ecobiopolitics:

• Protection of the living cover of the planet. In the light of increasing environmental pollution, the destruction of biodiversity, the main focus of Biopolitics is to conserve planetary biodiversity (bios). A special package of problems is the political regulation of global measures to improve the ecological situation on the planet Earth,  including the disposal of waste, radioactive waste, ets.

• Questions  of Genetic engineering, animal cloning and human in perspective, gene diagnostics and therapy (treatment of hereditary diseases through manipulation of genes), and other results of the progress of modern genetics. Biotechnology, the legislative regulation of which (labelling of genetically engineered products) also belongs to the sphere of practical biopolitics.

• Pedagogical problems - the need to overcome modern "bio-illiteracy" by creating a system of biological education for all. There is a great need for biological (and more specific biopolitical) knowledge among politicians, economists, lawyers, doctors and many other people facing biopolitical problems in everyday practice. This direction of biopolitics is in the sphere of interests of the International Commission on Biological Education.

The International Commission for Biological Education (CBE), which has been operating since the end of the 1970s, focuses on overcoming the illiteracy of the population in the field of biology and teaching the basics of biology for non-biologists, measures for the protection of wildlife, biotechnology, bio -medical ethics and a number of other aspects of "biopolicy".

Our behaviour must ensure the development of the biosphere and society.

The coordinated mutually enriching development of mankind and the bio-environment is the most important part of the general problem of the co-evolution of human society and a whole nature.

It is obvious that the current state of human relations and the "bio-environment" does not correspond to the concept of "co-evolution". The rapid pace of the evolution of human society generates influences on the biosphere, which it does not have time to react to, respond

But is coevolution of mankind and the biosphere possible in principle? 

Scientists (Academician Moiseev) tended to a positive response and demanded to establish a strategy of self-organization of society, in which its harmful impact on nature would be reduced to a level at which our planet could react at the time, preserving itself as a whole.

Список використаних джерел:

1. Нагоев А. Б., Шадуева Э. Ч. К вопросу развития биоэкономической политики в целях совершенствования экономики природопользования // Биоэкономика и биополитика, 2016, -  №1(2). – с. 84 – 87.

2. Michel Foucault: Biopolitics and Biopower by Rachel Adams. -  10 May 2017 //http://criticallegalthinking.com/2017/05/10/michel-foucault-biopolitics-biopower/.

3. Susan Greenhalg: The Chinese biopolitical: facing the twenty-first century // New Genetics and Society. - Vol. 28, No. 3, September 2009, 205–22.

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