23.04.2014 01:13 |
Автор: Пеліпас Аліна Вячеславівна, студентка Придніпровська державна академія будівництва та архітектури
[Секція 2. Менеджмент. Маркетинг;] |
This work provides information about the LLC MC "Rendpako" enterprise and analyzes its advertising campaign which was held by the enterprise on the territory of Ukraine and the Russian Federation. Key words:market, competition, advertisement, undertaking, production, off-load, consumer, marketing strategies, export.
In the conditions of the market economy the realization of the advertising activity is one of the most perspective directions in the marketing to improve the economic effectiveness of the enterprise and to increase the product distribution on the home and foreign markets[4, p. 128]. Advertising activity has a special meaning in the conditions of severe competition. The advertising purposefully influences the market and is the tool of the needs formation [1, p. 10]. The object of the given work is Ukrainian and Hungarian enterprise LLC MC "Rendpako". The subject of the given work is advertising activity of this enterprise. Promotionalactivity isanalyzedby many domesticand foreignscholars.The issueof advertisingthe subject of manyworks ofrenownednational experts: G.L. Bahyeva, L.Y. Germogenova, E.H. Golubkova, P.S. Zavyalova, E.V. Popov. Theforeign authorsof scientific papersare the following:U. Arena, J. Burnett, Z. Moriarty, J. Russell, D. Beauvais, A. Deyan, J. Drew Kotlet, B. Wells. The advertising campaign is a complicated program of the communication which is tightly connected with all the marketing efforts of the company. The main source for working out the strategy of the advertising campaign is a general marketing program, which is based on this the aims of the advertising campaign.As a rule the aim of the advertising adds up to convincing the potential buyers that the product is rather useful and brings them to a thought that it is necessary to buy it.The company must clearly understand the aim of the advertising, i.e. the reason why the advertising campaign is held. The aim may include the formation of the name and prestige of the company in order to get a more stable position on the market. The aim may be the product distribution [3, p. 286] Here is the succession of actions which is desirable for the advertising campaign: • to define "the portrait" of your buyer; • to define the aims of the advertising campaign; • to define the main idea of the advertising campaign; • to choose the forms of the advertisement placing; • to count possible expenses for the advertising campaign; • to sum up the results of the advertising campaign. The characteristics of the Ukrainian and Hungarian manufacturing enterprise "Rendpako", are examined in this paper. This enterprise was founded in 1992 and since then has had successful commercial activity on the territory of Ukraine. Now its one of the Ukrainian market leaders on the basis of the stable long-term relations. It also has the reputation of the respectable organization which specializes in the output of the polyethylene and polypropylene packing. The tasks of the LLC MC "Rendpako" advertising campaign: • The advertising of the produced goods which are offered by the LLC MC "Rendpako" should be oriented on the formation of some level of consumer's knowledge about the offered products, on keeping the current consumers and gaining the new ones, including the active work with Russian dealers and manufacturers. • Encouragement of the consumer to turn exactly to LLC MC "Rendpako"; • Desire to make a profitable customer a client of the enterprise; • The assessment of the advertising campaign effectiveness which has been worked out. A new advertising campaign was developed and presented which can be used by the company for expanding of the market in Russia. The idea to place advertisements about the enterprise in the following mass media: specialized printings, worldwide net Internet and via direct marketingwill be expressed in the further research.
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