World of scientific research. Issue 35
Date of conference
20 November 2024
Remaining time to start conference
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Íîâ³ âèìîãè äî ïóáë³êàö³é ðåçóëüòàò³â êàíäèäàòñüêèõ òà äîêòîðñüêèõ äèñåðòàö³é
Editorial board. PA «Naukova Spilnota»
Äîãîâ³ð ïðî ñï³âðîá³òíèöòâî ç Wyzsza Szkola Zarzadzania i Administracji w Opolu
Calendar of conferences
Scientific conferences
Conference 2024
World of scientific research. Issue 26 (24-25.01.2024)
1. Economic sciences;
2. Information systems and technologies;
3. Pedagogical sciences;
4. Psychological sciences;
5. Legal sciences;
6. Historical sciences;
7. Philosophical sciences;
8. Culturology;
9. Philological sciences;
10. Art history;
11. Geographical sciences;
12. National safety;
13. Sociological sciences;
14. Political science;
15. Physical education and sports;
16. Public administration;
17. Social communications;
18. Medical sciences;
19. Pharmaceutical sciences;
20. Veterinary sciences;
21. Agricultural sciences;
22. Chemical sciences;
23. Biological sciences;
24. Geological sciences;
25. Physical and mathematical sciences;
26. Technical sciences;
27. The Architecture;
28. Military affairs
World of scientific research. Issue 27 (22-23.02.2024)
1. Economic sciences;
2. Information systems and technologies;
3. Pedagogical sciences;
4. Psychological sciences;
5. Legal sciences;
6. Historical sciences;
7. Philosophical sciences;
8. Culturology;
9. Philological sciences;
10. Art history;
11. Geographical sciences;
12. National safety;
13. Sociological sciences;
14. Political science;
15. Physical education and sports;
16. Public administration;
17. Social communications;
18. Medical sciences;
19. Pharmaceutical sciences;
20. Veterinary sciences;
21. Agricultural sciences;
22. Chemical sciences;
23. Biological sciences;
24. Geological sciences;
25. Physical and mathematical sciences;
26. Technical sciences;
27. The Architecture;
28. Military affairs
World of scientific research. Issue 28 (21-22.03.2024)
1. Economic sciences;
2. Information systems and technologies;
3. Pedagogical sciences;
4. Psychological sciences;
5. Legal sciences;
6. Historical sciences;
7. Philosophical sciences;
8. Culturology;
9. Philological sciences;
10. Art history;
11. Geographical sciences;
12. National safety;
13. Sociological sciences;
14. Political science;
15. Physical education and sports;
16. Public administration;
17. Social communications;
18. Medical sciences;
19. Pharmaceutical sciences;
20. Veterinary sciences;
21. Agricultural sciences;
22. Chemical sciences;
23. Biological sciences;
24. Geological sciences;
25. Physical and mathematical sciences;
26. Technical sciences;
27. The Architecture;
28. Military affairs
World of scientific research. Issue 29 (23-24.04.2024)
1. Economic sciences;
2. Information systems and technologies;
3. Pedagogical sciences;
4. Psychological sciences;
5. Legal sciences;
6. Historical sciences;
7. Philosophical sciences;
8. Culturology;
9. Philological sciences;
10. Art history;
11. Geographical sciences;
12. National safety;
13. Sociological sciences;
14. Political science;
15. Physical education and sports;
16. Public administration;
17. Social communications;
18. Medical sciences;
19. Pharmaceutical sciences;
20. Veterinary sciences;
21. Agricultural sciences;
22. Chemical sciences;
23. Biological sciences;
24. Geological sciences;
25. Physical and mathematical sciences;
26. Technical sciences;
27. The Architecture;
28. Military affairs
World of scientific research. Issue 30 (24-25.05.2024)
1. Economic sciences;
2. Information systems and technologies;
3. Pedagogical sciences;
4. Psychological sciences;
5. Legal sciences;
6. Historical sciences;
7. Philosophical sciences;
8. Culturology;
9. Philological sciences;
10. Art history;
11. Geographical sciences;
12. National safety;
13. Sociological sciences;
14. Political science;
15. Physical education and sports;
16. Public administration;
17. Social communications;
18. Medical sciences;
19. Pharmaceutical sciences;
20. Veterinary sciences;
21. Agricultural sciences;
22. Chemical sciences;
23. Biological sciences;
24. Geological sciences;
25. Physical and mathematical sciences;
26. Technical sciences;
27. The Architecture;
28. Military affairs
World of scientific research. Issue 31 (20-21.06.2024)
1. Economic sciences;
2. Information systems and technologies;
3. Pedagogical sciences;
4. Psychological sciences;
5. Legal sciences;
6. Historical sciences;
7. Philosophical sciences;
8. Culturology;
9. Philological sciences;
10. Art history;
11. Geographical sciences;
12. National safety;
13. Sociological sciences;
14. Political science;
15. Physical education and sports;
16. Public administration;
17. Social communications;
18. Medical sciences;
19. Pharmaceutical sciences;
20. Veterinary sciences;
21. Agricultural sciences;
22. Chemical sciences;
23. Biological sciences;
24. Geological sciences;
25. Physical and mathematical sciences;
26. Technical sciences;
27. The Architecture;
28. Military affairs
World of scientific research. Issue 32 (16-17.07.2024)
1. Economic sciences;
2. Information systems and technologies;
3. Pedagogical sciences;
4. Psychological sciences;
5. Legal sciences;
6. Historical sciences;
7. Philosophical sciences;
8. Culturology;
9. Philological sciences;
10. Art history;
11. Geographical sciences;
12. National safety;
13. Sociological sciences;
14. Political science;
15. Physical education and sports;
16. Public administration;
17. Social communications;
18. Medical sciences;
19. Pharmaceutical sciences;
20. Veterinary sciences;
21. Agricultural sciences;
22. Chemical sciences;
23. Biological sciences;
24. Geological sciences;
25. Physical and mathematical sciences;
26. Technical sciences;
27. The Architecture;
28. Military affairs
World of scientific research. Issue 33 (19-20.09.2024)
1. Economic sciences;
2. Information systems and technologies;
3. Pedagogical sciences;
4. Psychological sciences;
5. Legal sciences;
6. Historical sciences;
7. Philosophical sciences;
8. Culturology;
9. Philological sciences;
10. Art history;
11. Geographical sciences;
12. National safety;
13. Sociological sciences;
14. Political science;
15. Physical education and sports;
16. Public administration;
17. Social communications;
18. Medical sciences;
19. Pharmaceutical sciences;
20. Veterinary sciences;
21. Agricultural sciences;
22. Chemical sciences;
23. Biological sciences;
24. Geological sciences;
25. Physical and mathematical sciences;
26. Technical sciences;
27. The Architecture;
28. Military affairs
World of scientific research. Issue 34 (22-23.10.2024)
1. Economic sciences;
2. Information systems and technologies;
3. Pedagogical sciences;
4. Psychological sciences;
5. Legal sciences;
6. Historical sciences;
7. Philosophical sciences;
8. Culturology;
9. Philological sciences;
10. Art history;
11. Geographical sciences;
12. National safety;
13. Sociological sciences;
14. Political science;
15. Physical education and sports;
16. Public administration;
17. Social communications;
18. Medical sciences;
19. Pharmaceutical sciences;
20. Veterinary sciences;
21. Agricultural sciences;
22. Chemical sciences;
23. Biological sciences;
24. Geological sciences;
25. Physical and mathematical sciences;
26. Technical sciences;
27. The Architecture;
28. Military affairs
World of scientific research. Issue 35 (20-21.11.2024)
1. Economic sciences;
2. Information systems and technologies;
3. Pedagogical sciences;
4. Psychological sciences;
5. Legal sciences;
6. Historical sciences;
7. Philosophical sciences;
8. Culturology;
9. Philological sciences;
10. Art history;
11. Geographical sciences;
12. National safety;
13. Sociological sciences;
14. Political science;
15. Physical education and sports;
16. Public administration;
17. Social communications;
18. Medical sciences;
19. Pharmaceutical sciences;
20. Veterinary sciences;
21. Agricultural sciences;
22. Chemical sciences;
23. Biological sciences;
24. Geological sciences;
25. Physical and mathematical sciences;
26. Technical sciences;
27. The Architecture;
28. Military affairs
Conference 2023
World of scientific research. Issue 16 (16-17.02.2023)
1. Economic sciences;
2. Information systems and technologies;
3. Pedagogical sciences;
4. Psychological sciences;
5. Legal sciences;
6. Historical sciences;
7. Philosophical sciences;
8. Culturology;
9. Philological sciences;
10. Art history;
11. Geographical sciences;
12. National security;
13. Sociological sciences;
14. Political science;
15. Physical education and sports;
16. Public administration;
17. Social communications;
18. Medical sciences;
19. Pharmaceutical sciences;
20. Veterinary sciences;
21. Agricultural sciences;
22. Chemical sciences;
23. Biological sciences;
24. Geological sciences;
25. Physical and mathematical sciences;
26. Technical sciences;
27. The Architecture;
28. Military affairs
World of scientific research. Issue 17 (16-17.03.2023)
1. Economic sciences;
2. Information systems and technologies;
3. Pedagogical sciences;
4. Psychological sciences;
5. Legal sciences;
6. Historical sciences;
7. Philosophical sciences;
8. Culturology;
9. Philological sciences;
10. Art history;
11. Geographical sciences;
12. National security;
13. Sociological sciences;
14. Political science;
15. Physical education and sports;
16. Public administration;
17. Social communications;
18. Medical sciences;
19. Pharmaceutical sciences;
20. Veterinary sciences;
21. Agricultural sciences;
22. Chemical sciences;
23. Biological sciences;
24. Geological sciences;
25. Physical and mathematical sciences;
26. Technical sciences;
27. The Architecture;
28. Military affairs
World of scientific research. Issue 18 (20-21.04.2023)
1. Economic sciences;
2. Information systems and technologies;
3. Pedagogical sciences;
4. Psychological sciences;
5. Legal sciences;
6. Historical sciences;
7. Philosophical sciences;
8. Culturology;
9. Philological sciences;
10. Art history;
11. Geographical sciences;
12. National security;
13. Sociological sciences;
14. Political science;
15. Physical education and sports;
16. Public administration;
17. Social communications;
18. Medical sciences;
19. Pharmaceutical sciences;
20. Veterinary sciences;
21. Agricultural sciences;
22. Chemical sciences;
23. Biological sciences;
24. Geological sciences;
25. Physical and mathematical sciences;
26. Technical sciences;
27. The Architecture;
28. Military affairs
World of scientific research. Issue 19 (23-24.05.2023)
1. Economic sciences
2. Information systems and technologies;
3. Pedagogical sciences;
4. Psychological sciences;
5. Legal sciences;
6. Historical sciences;
7. Philosophical sciences;
8. Culturology;
9. Philological sciences;
10. Art history;
11. Geographical sciences;
12. National security;
13. Sociological sciences;
14. Political science;
15. Physical education and sports;
16. Public administration;
17. Social communications;
18. Medical sciences;
19. Pharmaceutical sciences;
20. Veterinary sciences;
21. Agricultural sciences;
22. Chemical sciences;
23. Biological sciences;
24. Geological sciences;
25. Physical and mathematical sciences;
26. Technical sciences;
27. The Architecture;
28. Military affairs
World of scientific research. Issue 20 (20-21.06.2023)
1. Economic sciences
2. Information systems and technologies;
3. Pedagogical sciences;
4. Psychological sciences;
5. Legal sciences;
6. Historical sciences;
7. Philosophical sciences;
8. Culturology;
9. Philological sciences;
10. Art history;
11. Geographical sciences;
12. National security;
13. Sociological sciences;
14. Political science;
15. Physical education and sports;
16. Public administration;
17. Social communications;
18. Medical sciences;
19. Pharmaceutical sciences;
20. Veterinary sciences;
21. Agricultural sciences;
22. Chemical sciences;
23. Biological sciences;
24. Geological sciences;
25. Physical and mathematical sciences;
26. Technical sciences;
27. The Architecture;
28. Military affairs
World of scientific research. Issue 21 (13-14.07.2023)
1. Economic sciences
2. Information systems and technologies;
3. Pedagogical sciences;
4. Psychological sciences;
5. Legal sciences;
6. Historical sciences;
7. Philosophical sciences;
8. Culturology;
9. Philological sciences;
10. Art history;
11. Geographical sciences;
12. National security;
13. Sociological sciences;
14. Political science;
15. Physical education and sports;
16. Public administration;
17. Social communications;
18. Medical sciences;
19. Pharmaceutical sciences;
20. Veterinary sciences;
21. Agricultural sciences;
22. Chemical sciences;
23. Biological sciences;
24. Geological sciences;
25. Physical and mathematical sciences;
26. Technical sciences;
27. The Architecture;
28. Military affairs
World of scientific research. Issue 22 (27-28.09.2023)
1. Economic sciences;
2. Information systems and technologies;
3. Pedagogical sciences;
4. Psychological sciences;
5. Legal sciences;
6. Historical sciences;
7. Philosophical sciences;
8. Culturology;
9. Philological sciences;
10. Art history;
11. Geographical sciences;
12. National safety;
13. Sociological sciences;
14. Political science;
15. Physical education and sports;
16. Public administration;
17. Social communications;
18. Medical sciences;
19. Pharmaceutical sciences;
20. Veterinary sciences;
21. Agricultural sciences;
22. Chemical sciences;
23. Biological sciences;
24. Geological sciences;
25. Physical and mathematical sciences;
26. Technical sciences;
27. The Architecture;
28. Military affairs
World of scientific research. Issue 23 (24-25.10.2023)
1. Economic sciences;
2. Information systems and technologies;
3. Pedagogical sciences;
4. Psychological sciences;
5. Legal sciences;
6. Historical sciences;
7. Philosophical sciences;
8. Culturology;
9. Philological sciences;
10. Art history;
11. Geographical sciences;
12. National safety;
13. Sociological sciences;
14. Political science;
15. Physical education and sports;
16. Public administration;
17. Social communications;
18. Medical sciences;
19. Pharmaceutical sciences;
20. Veterinary sciences;
21. Agricultural sciences;
22. Chemical sciences;
23. Biological sciences;
24. Geological sciences;
25. Physical and mathematical sciences;
26. Technical sciences;
27. The Architecture;
28. Military affairs
World of scientific research. Issue 24 (21-22.11.2023)
1. Economic sciences;
2. Information systems and technologies;
3. Pedagogical sciences;
4. Psychological sciences;
5. Legal sciences;
6. Historical sciences;
7. Philosophical sciences;
8. Culturology;
9. Philological sciences;
10. Art history;
11. Geographical sciences;
12. National safety;
13. Sociological sciences;
14. Political science;
15. Physical education and sports;
16. Public administration;
17. Social communications;
18. Medical sciences;
19. Pharmaceutical sciences;
20. Veterinary sciences;
21. Agricultural sciences;
22. Chemical sciences;
23. Biological sciences;
24. Geological sciences;
25. Physical and mathematical sciences;
26. Technical sciences;
27. The Architecture;
28. Military affairs
World of scientific research. Issue 25 (14-15.12.2023)
1. Economic sciences;
2. Information systems and technologies;
3. Pedagogical sciences;
4. Psychological sciences;
5. Legal sciences;
6. Historical sciences;
7. Philosophical sciences;
8. Culturology;
9. Philological sciences;
10. Art history;
11. Geographical sciences;
12. National safety;
13. Sociological sciences;
14. Political science;
15. Physical education and sports;
16. Public administration;
17. Social communications;
18. Medical sciences;
19. Pharmaceutical sciences;
20. Veterinary sciences;
21. Agricultural sciences;
22. Chemical sciences;
23. Biological sciences;
24. Geological sciences;
25. Physical and mathematical sciences;
26. Technical sciences;
27. The Architecture;
28. Military affairs
Conference 2022
World of scientific research. Issue 7 (24-25.03.2022)
Economic direction
Information systems and technologies
Psychology and pedagogy
World of scientific research. Issue 8 (28-29.04.2022)
Economic direction
Information systems and technologies
Psychology and pedagogy
World of scientific research. Issue 9 (26-27.05.2022)
Economic direction
Information systems and technologies
Psychology and pedagogy
World of scientific research. Issue 10 (23-24.06.2022)
1. Economic sciences;
2. Information systems and technologies;
3. Pedagogical sciences;
4. Psychological sciences;
5. Legal sciences;
6. Historical sciences;
7. Philosophical sciences;
8. Culturology;
9. Philological sciences;
10. Art history;
11. Geographical sciences;
12. National security;
13. Sociological sciences;
14. Political science;
15. Physical education and sports;
16. Public administration;
17. Social communications;
18. Medical sciences;
19. Pharmaceutical sciences;
20. Veterinary sciences;
21. Agricultural sciences;
22. Chemical sciences;
23. Biological sciences;
24. Geological sciences;
25. Physical and mathematical sciences;
26. Technical sciences;
27. Architecture;
28. Military affairs
World of scientific research. Issue 11 (22-23.07.2022)
1. Economic sciences;
2. Information systems and technologies;
3. Pedagogical sciences;
4. Psychological sciences;
5. Legal sciences;
6. Historical sciences;
7. Philosophical sciences;
8. Culturology;
9. Philological sciences;
10. Art history;
11. Geographical sciences;
12. National security;
13. Sociological sciences;
14. Political science;
15. Physical education and sports;
16. Public administration;
17. Social communications;
18. Medical sciences;
19. Pharmaceutical sciences;
20. Veterinary sciences;
21. Agricultural sciences;
22. Chemical sciences;
23. Biological sciences;
24. Geological sciences;
25. Physical and mathematical sciences;
26. Technical sciences;
27. Architecture;
28. Military affairs
World of scientific research. Issue 12 (29-30.09.2022)
1. Economic sciences;
2. Information systems and technologies;
3. Pedagogical sciences;
4. Psychological sciences;
5. Legal sciences;
6. Historical sciences;
7. Philosophical sciences;
8. Culturology;
9. Philological sciences;
10. Art history;
11. Geographical sciences;
12. National security;
13. Sociological sciences;
14. Political science;
15. Physical education and sports;
16. Public administration;
17. Social communications;
18. Medical sciences;
19. Pharmaceutical sciences;
20. Veterinary sciences;
21. Agricultural sciences;
22. Chemical sciences;
23. Biological sciences;
24. Geological sciences;
25. Physical and mathematical sciences;
26. Technical sciences;
27. Architecture;
28. Military affairs
World of scientific research. Issue 13 (25-26.10.2022)
1. Economic sciences;
2. Information systems and technologies;
3. Pedagogical sciences;
4. Psychological sciences;
5. Legal sciences;
6. Historical sciences;
7. Philosophical sciences;
8. Culturology;
9. Philological sciences;
10. Art history;
11. Geographical sciences;
12. National security;
13. Sociological sciences;
14. Political science;
15. Physical education and sports;
16. Public administration;
17. Social communications;
18. Medical sciences;
19. Pharmaceutical sciences;
20. Veterinary sciences;
21. Agricultural sciences;
22. Chemical sciences;
23. Biological sciences;
24. Geological sciences;
25. Physical and mathematical sciences;
26. Technical sciences;
27. The Architecture;
28. Military affairs
World of scientific research. Issue 14 (24-25.11.2022)
1. Economic sciences;
2. Information systems and technologies;
3. Pedagogical sciences;
4. Psychological sciences;
5. Legal sciences;
6. Historical sciences;
7. Philosophical sciences;
8. Culturology;
9. Philological sciences;
10. Art history;
11. Geographical sciences;
12. National security;
13. Sociological sciences;
14. Political science;
15. Physical education and sports;
16. Public administration;
17. Social communications;
18. Medical sciences;
19. Pharmaceutical sciences;
20. Veterinary sciences;
21. Agricultural sciences;
22. Chemical sciences;
23. Biological sciences;
24. Geological sciences;
25. Physical and mathematical sciences;
26. Technical sciences;
27. The Architecture;
28. Military affairs
World of scientific research. Issue 15 (19-20.12.2022)
1. Economic sciences;
2. Information systems and technologies;
3. Pedagogical sciences;
4. Psychological sciences;
5. Legal sciences;
6. Historical sciences;
7. Philosophical sciences;
8. Culturology;
9. Philological sciences;
10. Art history;
11. Geographical sciences;
12. National security;
13. Sociological sciences;
14. Political science;
15. Physical education and sports;
16. Public administration;
17. Social communications;
18. Medical sciences;
19. Pharmaceutical sciences;
20. Veterinary sciences;
21. Agricultural sciences;
22. Chemical sciences;
23. Biological sciences;
24. Geological sciences;
25. Physical and mathematical sciences;
26. Technical sciences;
27. The Architecture;
28. Military affairs
Conference 2021
World of Economic Science. Issue 29 (25.02.2021)
1. Economy and åntrepreneurship;
2. Management. Marketing;
3. Accounting, statistics and audit;
4. Economic analysis. Eñonomical mathematical design;
5. Banking. Finance, money circulation and credit;
6. Tax system. Budget system. Legal relationships in economic system;
7. Investment-innovative procedures in economy;
8. Global economy and international relationships;
9. Economy and education;
10. Psychological aspects in economics.
World of Economic Science. Issue 30 (28.04.2021)
1. Economy and åntrepreneurship;
2. Management. Marketing;
3. Accounting, statistics and audit;
4. Economic analysis. Eñonomical mathematical design;
5. Information systems and technologies;
6. Tax system. Budget system. Legal relationships in economic system;
7. Investment-innovative procedures in economy;
8. Global economy and international relationships;
9. Economy and education;
10. Psychological aspects in economics.
World of Economic Science. Issue 31 (27.05.2021)
1. Economy and åntrepreneurship;
2. Management. Marketing;
3. Accounting, statistics and audit;
4. Economic analysis. Eñonomical mathematical design;
5. Banking. Finance, money circulation and credit;
6. Tax system. Budget system. Legal relationships in economic system;
7. Investment-innovative procedures in economy;
8. Global economy and international relationships;
9. Economy and education;
10. Psychology and pedagogy.
World of scientific research. Issue 1 (29.06.2021)
Economic direction
Information systems and technologies
Psychology and pedagogy
World of scientific research. Issue 2 (28.07.2021)
Economic direction
Information systems and technologies
Psychology and pedagogy
World of scientific research. Issue 3 (29.09.2021)
Economic direction
Information systems and technologies
Psychology and pedagogy
World of scientific research. Issue 4 (28.10.2021)
Economic direction
Information systems and technologies
Psychology and pedagogy
World of scientific research. Issue 5 (25.11.2021)
Economic direction
Information systems and technologies
Psychology and pedagogy
World of scientific research. Issue 6 (22.12.2021)
Economic direction
Information systems and technologies
Psychology and pedagogy
Conference 2020
World of Economic Science. Issue 20 (20.02.2020)
1. Economy and åntrepreneurship;
2. Management. Marketing;
3. Accounting, statistics and audit;
4. Economic analysis. Eñonomical mathematical design;
5. Banking. Finance, money circulation and credit;
6. Tax system. Budget system. Legal relationships in economic system;
7. Investment-innovative procedures in economy;
8. Global economy and international relationships;
9. Economy and education;
10. Psychological aspects in economics.
World of Economic Science. Issue 21 (26.03.2020)
1. Economy and åntrepreneurship;
2. Management. Marketing;
3. Accounting, statistics and audit;
4. Economic analysis. Eñonomical mathematical design;
5. Banking. Finance, money circulation and credit;
6. Tax system. Budget system. Legal relationships in economic system;
7. Investment-innovative procedures in economy;
8. Global economy and international relationships;
9. Economy and education;
10. Psychological aspects in economics.
World of Economic Science. Issue 22 (29.04.2020)
1. Economy and åntrepreneurship;
2. Management. Marketing;
3. Accounting, statistics and audit;
4. Economic analysis. Eñonomical mathematical design;
5. Banking. Finance, money circulation and credit;
6. Tax system. Budget system. Legal relationships in economic system;
7. Investment-innovative procedures in economy;
8. Global economy and international relationships;
9. Economy and education;
10. Psychological aspects in economics.
World of Economic Science. Issue 23 (28.05.2020)
1. Economy and åntrepreneurship;
2. Management. Marketing;
3. Accounting, statistics and audit;
4. Economic analysis. Eñonomical mathematical design;
5. Banking. Finance, money circulation and credit;
6. Tax system. Budget system. Legal relationships in economic system;
7. Investment-innovative procedures in economy;
8. Global economy and international relationships;
9. Economy and education;
10. Psychological aspects in economics.
World of Economic Science. Issue 24 (25.06.2020)
1. Economy and åntrepreneurship;
2. Management. Marketing;
3. Accounting, statistics and audit;
4. Economic analysis. Eñonomical mathematical design;
5. Banking. Finance, money circulation and credit;
6. Tax system. Budget system. Legal relationships in economic system;
7. Investment-innovative procedures in economy;
8. Global economy and international relationships;
9. Economy and education;
10. Psychological aspects in economics.
World of Economic Science. Issue 25 (29.09.2020)
1. Economy and åntrepreneurship;
2. Management. Marketing;
3. Accounting, statistics and audit;
4. Economic analysis. Eñonomical mathematical design;
5. Banking. Finance, money circulation and credit;
6. Tax system. Budget system. Legal relationships in economic system;
7. Investment-innovative procedures in economy;
8. Global economy and international relationships;
9. Economy and education;
10. Psychological aspects in economics.
World of Economic Science. Issue 26 (29.10.2020)
1. Economy and åntrepreneurship;
2. Management. Marketing;
3. Accounting, statistics and audit;
4. Economic analysis. Eñonomical mathematical design;
5. Banking. Finance, money circulation and credit;
6. Tax system. Budget system. Legal relationships in economic system;
7. Investment-innovative procedures in economy;
8. Global economy and international relationships;
9. Economy and education;
10. Psychological aspects in economics.
World of Economic Science. Issue 27 (26.11.2020)
1. Economy and åntrepreneurship;
2. Management. Marketing;
3. Accounting, statistics and audit;
4. Economic analysis. Eñonomical mathematical design;
5. Banking. Finance, money circulation and credit;
6. Tax system. Budget system. Legal relationships in economic system;
7. Investment-innovative procedures in economy;
8. Global economy and international relationships;
9. Economy and education;
10. Psychological aspects in economics.
World of Economic Science. Issue 28 (23.12.2020)
1. Economy and åntrepreneurship;
2. Management. Marketing;
3. Accounting, statistics and audit;
4. Economic analysis. Eñonomical mathematical design;
5. Banking. Finance, money circulation and credit;
6. Tax system. Budget system. Legal relationships in economic system;
7. Investment-innovative procedures in economy;
8. Global economy and international relationships;
9. Economy and education;
10. Psychological aspects in economics.
Conference 2019
World of Economic Science. Issue 11 (19.02.2019)
1. Economy and åntrepreneurship;
2. Management. Marketing;
3. Accounting, statistics and audit;
4. Economic analysis. Eñonomical mathematical design;
5. Banking. Finance, money circulation and credit;
6. Tax system. Budget system. Legal relationships in economic system;
7. Investment-innovative procedures in economy;
8. Global economy and international relationships;
9. Economy and education.
World of Economic Science. Issue 12 (19.03.2019)
1. Economy and åntrepreneurship;
2. Management. Marketing;
3. Accounting, statistics and audit;
4. Economic analysis. Eñonomical mathematical design;
5. Banking. Finance, money circulation and credit;
6. Tax system. Budget system. Legal relationships in economic system;
7. Investment-innovative procedures in economy;
8. Global economy and international relationships;
9. Economy and education.
World of Economic Science. Issue 13 (17.04.2019)
1. Economy and åntrepreneurship;
2. Management. Marketing;
3. Accounting, statistics and audit;
4. Economic analysis. Eñonomical mathematical design;
5. Banking. Finance, money circulation and credit;
6. Tax system. Budget system. Legal relationships in economic system;
7. Investment-innovative procedures in economy;
8. Global economy and international relationships;
9. Economy and education.
World of Economic Science. Issue 14 (30.05.2019)
1. Economy and åntrepreneurship;
2. Management. Marketing;
3. Accounting, statistics and audit;
4. Economic analysis. Eñonomical mathematical design;
5. Banking. Finance, money circulation and credit;
6. Tax system. Budget system. Legal relationships in economic system;
7. Investment-innovative procedures in economy;
8. Global economy and international relationships;
9. Economy and education;
10. Psychological aspects in economics.
World of Economic Science. Issue 15 (27.06.2019)
1. Economy and åntrepreneurship;
2. Management. Marketing;
3. Accounting, statistics and audit;
4. Economic analysis. Eñonomical mathematical design;
5. Banking. Finance, money circulation and credit;
6. Tax system. Budget system. Legal relationships in economic system;
7. Investment-innovative procedures in economy;
8. Global economy and international relationships;
9. Economy and education;
10. Psychological aspects in economics.
World of Economic Science. Issue 16 (26.09.2019)
1. Economy and åntrepreneurship;
2. Management. Marketing;
3. Accounting, statistics and audit;
4. Economic analysis. Eñonomical mathematical design;
5. Banking. Finance, money circulation and credit;
6. Tax system. Budget system. Legal relationships in economic system;
7. Investment-innovative procedures in economy;
8. Global economy and international relationships;
9. Economy and education;
10. Psychological aspects in economics.
World of Economic Science. Issue 17 (30.10.2019)
1. Economy and åntrepreneurship;
2. Management. Marketing;
3. Accounting, statistics and audit;
4. Economic analysis. Eñonomical mathematical design;
5. Banking. Finance, money circulation and credit;
6. Tax system. Budget system. Legal relationships in economic system;
7. Investment-innovative procedures in economy;
8. Global economy and international relationships;
9. Economy and education;
10. Psychological aspects in economics.
World of Economic Science. Issue 18 (28.11.2019)
1. Economy and åntrepreneurship;
2. Management. Marketing;
3. Accounting, statistics and audit;
4. Economic analysis. Eñonomical mathematical design;
5. Banking. Finance, money circulation and credit;
6. Tax system. Budget system. Legal relationships in economic system;
7. Investment-innovative procedures in economy;
8. Global economy and international relationships;
9. Economy and education;
10. Psychological aspects in economics.
World of Economic Science. Issue 19 (20.12.2019)
1. Economy and åntrepreneurship;
2. Management. Marketing;
3. Accounting, statistics and audit;
4. Economic analysis. Eñonomical mathematical design;
5. Banking. Finance, money circulation and credit;
6. Tax system. Budget system. Legal relationships in economic system;
7. Investment-innovative procedures in economy;
8. Global economy and international relationships;
9. Economy and education;
10. Psychological aspects in economics.
Conference 2018
World of Economic Science. Issue 1 (27.02.2018)
1. Economy and åntrepreneurship;
2. Management. Marketing;
3. Accounting, statistics and audit;
4. Economic analysis. Eñonomical mathematical design;
5. Banking. Finance, money circulation and credit;
6. Tax system. Budget system. Legal relationships in economic system;
7. Investment-innovative procedures in economy;
8. Global economy and international relationships;
9. Economy and education
World of Economic Science. Issue 2 (28.03.2018)
1. Economy and åntrepreneurship;
2. Management. Marketing;
3. Accounting, statistics and audit;
4. Economic analysis. Eñonomical mathematical design;
5. Banking. Finance, money circulation and credit;
6. Tax system. Budget system. Legal relationships in economic system;
7. Investment-innovative procedures in economy;
8. Global economy and international relationships;
9. Economy and education
World of Economic Science. Issue 3 (27.04.2018)
1. Economy and åntrepreneurship;
2. Management. Marketing;
3. Accounting, statistics and audit;
4. Economic analysis. Eñonomical mathematical design;
5. Banking. Finance, money circulation and credit;
6. Tax system. Budget system. Legal relationships in economic system;
7. Investment-innovative procedures in economy;
8. Global economy and international relationships;
9. Economy and education
World of Economic Science. Issue 4 (29.05.2018)
1. Economy and åntrepreneurship;
2. Management. Marketing;
3. Accounting, statistics and audit;
4. Economic analysis. Eñonomical mathematical design;
5. Banking. Finance, money circulation and credit;
6. Tax system. Budget system. Legal relationships in economic system;
7. Investment-innovative procedures in economy;
8. Global economy and international relationships;
9. Economy and education
World of Economic Science. Issue 5 (26.06.2018)
1. Economy and åntrepreneurship;
2. Management. Marketing;
3. Accounting, statistics and audit;
4. Economic analysis. Eñonomical mathematical design;
5. Banking. Finance, money circulation and credit;
6. Tax system. Budget system. Legal relationships in economic system;
7. Investment-innovative procedures in economy;
8. Global economy and international relationships;
9. Economy and education
World of Economic Science. Issue 6 (17.07.2018)
1. Economy and åntrepreneurship;
2. Management. Marketing;
3. Accounting, statistics and audit;
4. Economic analysis. Eñonomical mathematical design;
5. Banking. Finance, money circulation and credit;
6. Tax system. Budget system. Legal relationships in economic system;
7. Investment-innovative procedures in economy;
8. Global economy and international relationships;
9. Economy and education
World of Economic Science. Issue 7 (27.09.2018)
1. Economy and åntrepreneurship;
2. Management. Marketing;
3. Accounting, statistics and audit;
4. Economic analysis. Eñonomical mathematical design;
5. Banking. Finance, money circulation and credit;
6. Tax system. Budget system. Legal relationships in economic system;
7. Investment-innovative procedures in economy;
8. Global economy and international relationships;
9. Economy and education
World of Economic Science. Issue 8 (29.10.2018)
1. Economy and åntrepreneurship;
2. Management. Marketing;
3. Accounting, statistics and audit;
4. Economic analysis. Eñonomical mathematical design;
5. Banking. Finance, money circulation and credit;
6. Tax system. Budget system. Legal relationships in economic system;
7. Investment-innovative procedures in economy;
8. Global economy and international relationships;
9. Economy and education
World of Economic Science. Issue 9 (27.11.2018)
1. Economy and åntrepreneurship;
2. Management. Marketing;
3. Accounting, statistics and audit;
4. Economic analysis. Eñonomical mathematical design;
5. Banking. Finance, money circulation and credit;
6. Tax system. Budget system. Legal relationships in economic system;
7. Investment-innovative procedures in economy;
8. Global economy and international relationships;
9. Economy and education
World of Economic Science. Issue 10 (26.12.2018)
1. Economy and åntrepreneurship;
2. Management. Marketing;
3. Accounting, statistics and audit;
4. Economic analysis. Eñonomical mathematical design;
5. Banking. Finance, money circulation and credit;
6. Tax system. Budget system. Legal relationships in economic system;
7. Investment-innovative procedures in economy;
8. Global economy and international relationships;
9. Economy and education
Conference 2017
Innovative potential of modern economic science (17.03.2017)
1. Economy and åntrepreneurship;
2. Management. Marketing;
3. Accounting, statistics and audit;
4. Economic analysis. Eñonomical mathematical design;
5. Banking. Finance, money circulation and credit;
6. Tax system. Budget system. Legal relationships in economic system;
7. Investment-innovative procedures in economy;
8. Global economy and international relationships;
9. Economy and education
Scientific approaches to reform the current economic system (25.04.2017)
1. Economy and åntrepreneurship;
2. Management. Marketing;
3. Accounting, statistics and audit;
4. Economic analysis. Eñonomical mathematical design;
5. Banking. Finance, money circulation and credit;
6. Tax system. Budget system. Legal relationships in economic system;
7. Investment-innovative procedures in economy;
8. Global economy and international relationships;
9. Economy and education
Modernization of national economy: ways out of the crisis (26.05.2017)
1. Economy and åntrepreneurship;
2. Management. Marketing;
3. Accounting, statistics and audit;
4. Economic analysis. Eñonomical mathematical design;
5. Banking. Finance, money circulation and credit;
6. Tax system. Budget system. Legal relationships in economic system;
7. Investment-innovative procedures in economy;
8. Global economy and international relationships;
9. Economy and education
Strategy of innovation development of economy of Ukraine (30.06.2017)
1. Economy and åntrepreneurship;
2. Management. Marketing;
3. Accounting, statistics and audit;
4. Economic analysis. Eñonomical mathematical design;
5. Banking. Finance, money circulation and credit;
6. Tax system. Budget system. Legal relationships in economic system;
7. Investment-innovative procedures in economy;
8. Global economy and international relationships;
9. Economy and education
Topical issues of reforming the country's economy (28.09.2017)
1. Economy and åntrepreneurship;
2. Management. Marketing;
3. Accounting, statistics and audit;
4. Economic analysis. Eñonomical mathematical design;
5. Banking. Finance, money circulation and credit;
6. Tax system. Budget system. Legal relationships in economic system;
7. Investment-innovative procedures in economy;
8. Global economy and international relationships;
9. Economy and education
Achievements and problems of modern economic science (27.10.2017)
1. Economy and åntrepreneurship;
2. Management. Marketing;
3. Accounting, statistics and audit;
4. Economic analysis. Eñonomical mathematical design;
5. Banking. Finance, money circulation and credit;
6. Tax system. Budget system. Legal relationships in economic system;
7. Investment-innovative procedures in economy;
8. Global economy and international relationships;
9. Economy and education
Development of economic science at the present stage (28.11.2017)
1. Economy and åntrepreneurship;
2. Management. Marketing;
3. Accounting, statistics and audit;
4. Economic analysis. Eñonomical mathematical design;
5. Banking. Finance, money circulation and credit;
6. Tax system. Budget system. Legal relationships in economic system;
7. Investment-innovative procedures in economy;
8. Global economy and international relationships;
9. Economy and education
Directions and tendencies of development of economy of Ukraine (20.12.2017)
1. Economy and åntrepreneurship;
2. Management. Marketing;
3. Accounting, statistics and audit;
4. Economic analysis. Eñonomical mathematical design;
5. Banking. Finance, money circulation and credit;
6. Tax system. Budget system. Legal relationships in economic system;
7. Investment-innovative procedures in economy;
8. Global economy and international relationships;
9. Economy and education
Conference 2016
Creation of strong economy of country: problems and prospects of development
1. Economy and åntrepreneurship;
2. Management. Marketing;
3. Accounting, statistics and audit;
4. Economic analysis. Eñonomical mathematical design;
5. Banking. Finance, money circulation and credit;
6. Tax system. Budget system. Legal relationships in economic system;
7. Investment-innovative procedures in economy;
8. Global economy and international relationships;
9. Economy and education
Scientific potential of modern economic science
1. Economy and åntrepreneurship;
2. Management. Marketing;
3. Accounting, statistics and audit;
4. Economic analysis. Eñonomical mathematical design;
5. Banking. Finance, money circulation and credit;
6. Tax system. Budget system. Legal relationships in economic system;
7. Investment-innovative procedures in economy;
8. Global economy and international relationships;
9. Economy and education
Problems and prospects of economic development of country
1. Economy and åntrepreneurship;
2. Management. Marketing;
3. Accounting, statistics and audit;
4. Economic analysis. Eñonomical mathematical design;
5. Banking. Finance, money circulation and credit;
6. Tax system. Budget system. Legal relationships in economic system;
7. Investment-innovative procedures in economy;
8. Global economy and international relationships;
9. Economy and education
Economic development of country in conditions of eurointegration
1. Economy and åntrepreneurship;
2. Management. Marketing;
3. Accounting, statistics and audit;
4. Economic analysis. Eñonomical mathematical design;
5. Banking. Finance, money circulation and credit;
6. Tax system. Budget system. Legal relationships in economic system;
7. Investment-innovative procedures in economy;
8. Global economy and international relationships;
9. Economy and education
Prospects of reformation of national economy
1. Economy and åntrepreneurship;
2. Management. Marketing;
3. Accounting, statistics and audit;
4. Economic analysis. Eñonomical mathematical design;
5. Banking. Finance, money circulation and credit;
6. Tax system. Budget system. Legal relationships in economic system;
7. Investment-innovative procedures in economy;
8. Global economy and international relationships;
9. Economy and education
Conceptions of economic development of country
1. Economy and åntrepreneurship;
2. Management. Marketing;
3. Accounting, statistics and audit;
4. Economic analysis. Eñonomical mathematical design;
5. Banking. Finance, money circulation and credit;
6. Tax system. Budget system. Legal relationships in economic system;
7. Investment-innovative procedures in economy;
8. Global economy and international relationships;
9. Economy and education
Problems of stabilization economy of the country
1. Economy and åntrepreneurship;
2. Management. Marketing;
3. Accounting, statistics and audit;
4. Economic analysis. Eñonomical mathematical design;
5. Banking. Finance, money circulation and credit;
6. Tax system. Budget system. Legal relationships in economic system;
7. Investment-innovative procedures in economy;
8. Global economy and international relationships;
9. Economy and education
Conference 2015
Modern directions of theoretical and practical researches in economic science
1. Economy and åntrepreneurship;
2. Management. Marketing;
3. Accounting, statistics and audit;
4. Economic analysis. Eñonomical mathematical design;
5. Banking. Finance, money circulation and credit;
6. Tax system. Budget system. Legal relationships in economic system;
7. Investment-innovative procedures in economy;
8. Global economy and international relationships;
9. Economy and education
Economic aspects of development of country: modern state, problems and prospects
1. Economy and åntrepreneurship;
2. Management. Marketing;
3. Accounting, statistics and audit;
4. Economic analysis. Eñonomical mathematical design;
5. Banking. Finance, money circulation and credit;
6. Tax system. Budget system. Legal relationships in economic system;
7. Investment-innovative procedures in economy;
8. Global economy and international relationships;
9. Economy and education
Problems of economic development at the national and international levels
1. Economy and åntrepreneurship;
2. Management. Marketing;
3. Accounting, statistics and audit;
4. Economic analysis. Eñonomical mathematical design;
5. Banking. Finance, money circulation and credit;
6. Tax system. Budget system. Legal relationships in economic system;
7. Investment-innovative procedures in economy;
8. Global economy and international relationships;
9. Economy and education
Modern state of economy: problems and prospects of development
1. Economy and åntrepreneurship;
2. Management. Marketing;
3. Accounting, statistics and audit;
4. Economic analysis. Eñonomical mathematical design;
5. Banking. Finance, money circulation and credit;
6. Tax system. Budget system. Legal relationships in economic system;
7. Investment-innovative procedures in economy;
8. Global economy and international relationships;
9. Economy and education
Prospects for creation of strong economy in modern Ukraine
1. Economy and åntrepreneurship;
2. Management. Marketing;
3. Accounting, statistics and audit;
4. Economic analysis. Eñonomical mathematical design;
5. Banking. Finance, money circulation and credit;
6. Tax system. Budget system. Legal relationships in economic system;
7. Investment-innovative procedures in economy;
8. Global economy and international relationships;
9. Economy and education
Conference 2014
The pressing problems of theory and practice of economic science
1. Economy and åntrepreneurship;
2. Management. Marketing;
3. Accounting, statistics and audit;
4. Economic analysis. Eñonomical mathematical design;
5. Banking. Finance, money circulation and credit;
6. Tax system. Budget system. Legal relationships in economic system;
7. Investment-innovative procedures in economy;
8. Global economy and international relationships;
9. Economy and education
Reformation of the economic system in the country
1. Economy and åntrepreneurship;
2. Management. Marketing;
3. Accounting, statistics and audit;
4. Economic analysis. Eñonomical mathematical design;
5. Banking. Finance, money circulation and credit;
6. Tax system. Budget system. Legal relationships in economic system;
7. Investment-innovative procedures in economy;
8. Global economy and international relationships;
9. Economy and education
Economy of country: modern state and prospects of development
1. Economy and åntrepreneurship;
2. Management. Marketing;
3. Accounting, statistics and audit;
4. Economic analysis. Eñonomical mathematical design;
5. Banking. Finance, money circulation and credit;
6. Tax system. Budget system. Legal relationships in economic system;
7. Investment-innovative procedures in economy;
8. Global economy and international relationships;
9. Economy and education
Strong economy of Ukraine: priority directions of development
1. Economy and åntrepreneurship;
2. Management. Marketing;
3. Accounting, statistics and audit;
4. Economic analysis. Eñonomical mathematical design;
5. Banking. Finance, money circulation and credit;
6. Tax system. Budget system. Legal relationships in economic system;
7. Investment-innovative procedures in economy;
8. Global economy and international relationships;
9. Economy and education
Reformation of the economic system of country in the conditions of financial instability
1. Economy and åntrepreneurship;
2. Management. Marketing;
3. Accounting, statistics and audit;
4. Economic analysis. Eñonomical mathematical design;
5. Banking. Finance, money circulation and credit;
6. Tax system. Budget system. Legal relationships in economic system;
7. Investment-innovative procedures in economy;
8. Global economy and international relationships;
9. Economy and education
Conference 2013
Economy of Ukraine: modern state and prospects of development
1. Economy and åntrepreneurship;
2. Management. Marketing;
3. Accounting, statistics and audit;
4. Economic analysis. Eñonomical mathematical design;
5. Banking. Finance, money circulation and credit;
6. Tax system. Budget system. Legal relationships in economic system;
7. Investment-innovative procedures in economy;
8. Global economy and international relationships;
9. Economy and education
The pressing questions of economic science
1. Economy and åntrepreneurship;
2. Management. Marketing;
3. Accounting, statistics and audit;
4. Economic analysis. Eñonomical mathematical design;
5. Banking. Finance, money circulation and credit;
6. Tax system. Budget system. Legal relationships in economic system;
7. Investment-innovative procedures in economy;
8. Global economy and international relationships;
9. Economy and education
Development of economic science on modern stage
1. Economy and åntrepreneurship;
2. Management. Marketing;
3. Accounting, statistics and audit;
4. Economic analysis. Eñonomical mathematical design;
5. Banking. Finance, money circulation and credit;
6. Tax system. Budget system. Legal relationships in economic system;
7. Investment-innovative procedures in economy;
8. Global economy and international relationships;
9. Economy and education
Development of economy in ÕÕ² century: theoretical and practical aspects of researches
1. Economy and åntrepreneurship;
2. Management. Marketing;
3. Accounting, statistics and audit;
4. Economic analysis. Eñonomical mathematical design;
5. Banking. Finance, money circulation and credit;
6. Tax system. Budget system. Legal relationships in economic system;
7. Investment-innovative procedures in economy;
8. Global economy and international relationships;
9. Economy and education
Problems of modern economy and ways of their decision
1. Economy and åntrepreneurship;
2. Management. Marketing;
3. Accounting, statistics and audit;
4. Economic analysis. Eñonomical mathematical design;
5. Banking. Finance, money circulation and credit;
6. Tax system. Budget system. Legal relationships in economic system;
7. Investment-innovative procedures in economy;
8. Global economy and international relationships;
9. Economy and education
Conference 2012
The pressing questions of economic science on modern stage
1. Economy and åntrepreneurship;
2. Management. Marketing;
3. Accounting, statistics and audit;
4. Economic analysis. Eñonomical mathematical design;
5. Banking. Finance, money circulation and credit;
6. Tax system. Budget system. Legal relationships in economic system;
7. Investment-innovative procedures in economy;
8. Global economy and international relationships;
9. Economy and education
Tendencies of providing the stable development of the Ukrainian economic system
1. Economy and åntrepreneurship;
2. Management. Marketing;
3. Accounting, statistics and audit;
4. Economic analysis. Eñonomical mathematical design;
5. Banking. Finance, money circulation and credit;
6. Tax system. Budget system. Legal relationships in economic system;
7. Investment-innovative procedures in economy;
8. Global economy and international relationships;
9. Economy and education
Development of modern economic science in the terms of global transformations
1. Economy and åntrepreneurship;
2. Management. Marketing;
3. Accounting, statistics and audit;
4. Economic analysis. Eñonomical mathematical design;
5. Banking. Finance, money circulation and credit;
6. Tax system. Budget system. Legal relationships in economic system;
7. Investment-innovative procedures in economy;
8. Global economy and international relationships;
9. Economy and education
The pressing problems of using the economic potential of country
1. Economy and åntrepreneurship;
2. Management. Marketing;
3. Accounting, statistics and audit;
4. Economic analysis. Eñonomical mathematical design;
5. Banking. Finance, money circulation and credit;
6. Tax system. Budget system. Legal relationships in economic system;
7. Investment-innovative procedures in economy;
8. Global economy and international relationships;
9. Economy and education
Reformation of the economic system in the country: theoretical and practical aspects
1. Economy and åntrepreneurship;
2. Management. Marketing;
3. Accounting, statistics and audit;
4. Economic analysis. Eñonomical mathematical design;
5. Banking. Finance, money circulation and credit;
6. Tax system. Budget system. Legal relationships in economic system;
7. Investment-innovative procedures in economy;
8. Global economy and international relationships;
9. Economy and education
Conference 2011
Modern state of economic science: problems, achievements and prospects of development
Economics and åntrepreneurship
Management. Marketing
Accounting, analysis and audit
Banking. Finance and credit. Finance of economic agents
Tax system. Budget system. Legal relationships in economic system
Investment-innovative procedures in economy
International economy. Integration processes. External economic activity
Economic development of country in conditions of legislative changes
Economics and åntrepreneurship
Management. Marketing
Accounting, analysis and audit
Banking. Finance and credit. Finance of economic agents
Tax system. Budget system. Legal relationships in economic system
Investment-innovative procedures in economy
International economy. Integration processes. External economic activity
Prospects for creation of strong economy in modern Ukraine
1. Economy and åntrepreneurship;
2. Management. Marketing;
3. Accounting, statistics and audit;
4. Economic analysis. Eñonomical mathematical design;
5. Banking. Finance, money circulation and credit;
6. Tax system. Budget system. Legal relationships in economic system;
7. Investment-innovative procedures in economy;
8. Global economy and international relationships;
9. Economy and education
Theory and practice of modern economic science: problems and ways of solution
1. Economy and åntrepreneurship;
2. Management. Marketing;
3. Accounting, statistics and audit;
4. Economic analysis. Eñonomical mathematical design;
5. Banking. Finance, money circulation and credit;
6. Tax system. Budget system. Legal relationships in economic system;
7. Investment-innovative procedures in economy;
8. Global economy and international relationships;
9. Economy and education
Conference 2010
Modern problems of economy in the conditions of global financial instability
Economy and enterprise. Management of enterprises and organizations
Accounting and audit. Accounting. Managment. Fiscal accounting. Control and revision
Banking. Finances and credit. Financial analysis. Finances of managment subjects
Tax loophole system. Fiscal system. National regulation of economy
International economy and business. International relationships. Foreign economic operations
A human factor in economy and his prospects in modern Ukraine
Economy and enterprise. Management of enterprises and organizations
Accounting and audit. Accounting. Managment. Fiscal accounting. Control and revision
Banking. Finances and credit. Financial analysis. Finances of managment subjects
Tax loophole system. Fiscal system. National regulation of economy
International economy and business. International relationships. Foreign economic operations
Reformation of economic system in the context of international cooperation
Economy and enterprise. Management of enterprises and organizations
Economic history
Accounting and audit. Accounting. Managment. Fiscal accounting. Control and revision
Banking. Finances and credit. Financial analysis. Finances of managment subjects
Tax loophole system. Fiscal system. National regulation of economy
International economy and business. International relationships. Foreign economic operations
Scientific achievements on the road for improvement of economic system
Economy and enterprise. Management of enterprises and organizations
Accounting and audit. Accounting. Managment. Fiscal accounting. Control and revision
Banking. Finances and credit. Financial analysis. Finances of managment subjects
Tax loophole system. Fiscal system. National regulation of economy
International economy and business. International relationships. Foreign economic operations
Modern trends of economic science progress in Ukraine
Economy and enterprise. Management of enterprises and organizations
Accounting and audit. Accounting. Managment. Fiscal accounting. Control and revision
Banking. Finances and credit. Financial analysis. Finances of managment subjects
Tax loophole system. Fiscal system. National regulation of economy. Financial law
International economy and business. International relationships. Foreign economic operations
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